White Woman Gave Birth to a Black baby And immediately Abandoned The BABY at The Hospital. Then a Nurse Saw Him And Did Something Surprising!
“A white woman gave birth to a black baby in the hospital and immediately abandoned him. The staff were shocked as they were horrified, but what one nurse did next was even more surprising.
When you work in the maternity unit of a hospital, you see lots of people come and go: newly born babies, parents that are excited to be giving birth soon, first-time mothers that are nervous about the delivery process, experienced mothers who are glad to be adding another child to their brood, and attentive fathers who are ready to help in whatever way they can.
So when one woman came in ready to give birth, no one thought anything of it. It was just another day, another customer.
The woman had come in alone, and she looked fairly nervous. There were no records of her at the hospital, and the staff seemed a little confused as to who she was and why she had chosen that specific clinic to give birth. All they knew was that she was a white woman who was around 9 months pregnant and ready to pop. Perhaps she was a little apprehensive, as this was the……Read Full Story Here……….