Why Is Late-Night Bully Jimmy Kimmel Mocking Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers For Mentioning Upcoming Release of Jeffrey Epstein Client List? [VIDEO]

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Late-night bully Jimmy Kimmel, whose ratings are in the toilet, has struggled to convince people to tune into his show ever since he decided to put his far-left activism before comedy. Unfortunately, Kimmel will likely lose even more of his minuscule audience after last night when he made a sad attempt at “humor” by mocking the future Hall of Famer, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, for suggesting that he’s looking forward to the release of the of Jeffrey Epstein’s client list
Kimmel’s dislike of Rodgers stems from his courage to speak out about his concern for people who blindly accept the experimental COVID jab, an opinion that most Americans share. The majority of Americans also believe the names of guests on Epstein’s private jet to his private island should be made public. The names of pedophiles in Hollywood, current and retired political leaders in DC, a particular member of the British Royal family, and even some of the wealthiest men in the world, like Bill Gates, should all be made public if they are found on the Epstein client list.
So, last night, Kimmel, who is in the minority, went off on Aaron Rodgers for looking forward to seeing the list that will reportedly be released soon, calling Aaron Rodgers a “tin foil conspiracy theorist.”
Kimmel began by talking about Americans’ concern with the images of unidentified flying objects in the sky that have surfaced on social media. “Needless to say, all this UFO talk has the tin-foil hatters going wild,” Kimmel said, adding, ” including Green Bay ‘whack-packer’ Aaron Rodgers.”
Kimmel showed a short clip of Rodgers’ February 14 appearance on the Pat McAfee Sports talk show, where Aaron Rodgers brought up the Epstein client list. “There’s some files with some names on it that may be getting released soon,” Rodgers explained to the hosts, who seemed to have no clue about what the Green Bay quarterback was talking about.
Why is Kimmel so worried about Rodgers talking about the release of the Epstein client list?
Mike Lindell appeared as a guest on the unhinged leftist “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel’s show on January 31. The last time the popular MyPillow CEO appeared on Kimmel’s not-funny show was in April 2021, when the far-left host went out of his way to humiliate Mike. But unfortunately for Kimmel, he only came off looking like a bully. The April episode can be watched here.
The mere mention of Mike Lindell’s name sends the Left into a fit of rage. To avoid having a stroke over Mike’s presence on his show, Kimmel placed the successful My Pillow CEO inside a claw game in an attempt to mock or minimize him. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Mike Lindell capitalized on the stunt and was able to use his appearance to reach Kimmel’s [small] audience, who wouldn’t normally have the chance to hear Mike’s message without the filter of the lying mainstream media—and he did it all with great humor and a smile on his face.
Kimmel began his segment with Mike by announcing that Mike agreed to do the interview from inside a claw machine to help him overcome his “fear of machines.”
Of all the colorful, unhinged characters who’ve come to prominence in the political era of Donald Trump, our next guest is probably the most enthusiastic. To help him overcome his debilitating fear of machines, we have installed him inside a claw machine for his interview tonight.
Jimmy Kimmel’s first question for Mike was, “Why do you think folks don’t take you seriously?” Lindell responded, “Well, Jimmy, remember when we were kids, and we questioned if these machines were rigged?” Mike continued, “When we spoke up back then, we didn’t get sued, did we? “Mike’s response actually elicited a laugh from Kimmel’s leftist audience—score one for Mike!
When a child appeared in front of the Claw machine, looking to win a prize, Mike threw a stuffed animal down and told him, “Here you go! It’s a rigged game!”
In addition to plugging his wildly popular Lindell TV, which is part of his media empire that includes Frank Speech, Mike was also able to share his push for a return to paper ballots and for the voting machines to be melted into bars that would house the people he refers to as “criminals” who sell them. Of course, the Left detest Mike’s message of fixing our broken elections because many are okay with stolen elections as long as their candidate wins. So instead of listening to his common sense message, they respond as a typical bully on an elementary school playground would- they bully or mock him. Jimmy Kimmel is no exception. Kimmel attempted to tease Mike because of the low number of votes he received in his recent run for RNC Chair against the wildly unpopular Ronna Romney-McDaniel, asking Mike if he thought that election was also “rigged?” Mike’s response was brilliant, as he explained that he has no control over the people who voted against the will of their constituents. As evidence of his claim, Mike cited a Rasmussen poll showing that most Republicans wanted Mike to be the next RNC Chair.
From the January 26 Rasmussen poll: A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 15% of Likely Republican Voters support McDaniel for another term as RNC chair. Thirty percent (30%) of GOP voters support businessman Mike Lindell, 20% support attorney Harmeet Dhillon, 15% don’t support any of the three candidates, and 21% are undecided.
Of course, Kimmel dismissed the facts, as facts aren’t important to him or his audience, and moved on to another topic in his attempt to minimize Mike’s popularity with Republican Party members.
Jimmy Kimmel’s ratings serve as a reminder to the late-night bully that the only place he is a legend is in his own small mind.