Wife Faked Her Own Kidnapping, Few Days Later Husband Discovered The Secret And Took Action

“They found her body on the side of the road near Interstate 5 in Yolo County. She was still alive, but she had been physically harmed.
According to her husband, she weighed less than 110 pounds by the time she was found. Months after the story of her kidnapping and its gruesome details shook and moved America, but now the truth has come out: it was all staged.

The case of Sherry Papini became the focus of the public spotlight. It was widely covered by the media, and law enforcement spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to find the culprits. But it was all a sham. Now, the truth about the incident has emerged to the surface, and it has shocked even Papini’s husband, who has recently filed for divorce as a result.
Sherry and Keith Papini were a young couple living in Redding, California. Keith worked at a Best Buy store, and Sherry was a housewife. They had two kids. Up until then, their lives had been harmonious and blissful, but nothing is what it seems at first glance. One day, everything changed when…..Read Full Story Here………