A year after Hahn lost her brother, tragedy struck again when she suffered a miscarriage. Not long after that, Jenny lost both her pasture mate and one of her owners. Both best friends were in a lot of pain, and they grieved together. They found comfort in each other and their friendship — and that’s when Jenny’s remaining owner made a decision.
“Donkeys don’t usually do well on their own, and her owner is older and wasn’t going to be able to keep up with her and get her another companion, so she asked if I would take her since we bonded over so much and we have a small farm with goats and chickens,” Hahn said.
Hahn and her husband immediately agreed, and Jenny officially became a member of their family.
“She’s adapting well and is very interested in the other animals,” Hahn said. “She gives daily hugs to me whenever I kneel down to talk with her, and she continues to bray when she sees me. It’s a connection I cherish and am so grateful we had each other through these really difficult years.”
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