Woman Bought Some Food for a Beggar, a Minute Later He Gave Her A Note That Made Her Cry

Woman bought some food for a beggar. A minute later, he gave her a note that made her cry. What was on the note that made the woman cry? Watch the whole video clip, and you will be touched by what the gesture of the woman triggered in the man.

Being homeless is not easy, as you can imagine. It is often true that a homeless person did not choose to live like this. Circumstances often cause someone to end up in such a situation. Joey was undoubtedly aware of this when he saw a homeless man in the underground, trembling because he felt so cold. This is what happened next.
Lazaro El Fio boarded the New York underground on a cold night in January 2016. When he saw a homeless man on board, the man appeared cold and sick. He didn’t even have a shirt on to keep him a little warm. Another passenger, Joey Resto, then decided to give the homeless man his white T-shirt.
He even helped him put the T-shirt on while Joey dressed the homeless man. Lazaro was speechless and pulled out his phone. Joey returned to his seat but returned to give the man a……Read Full Story Here…….