Woman Burns Her House And Sits There Watching – When They Got Inside They Made A Shocking Discovery

When Kevin Burns moved to California, he was excited about a new adventure. He couldn’t wait to embrace life in the Sunshine State. It would mean regularly hanging out on the beach, surfing the waves, and making new friends and neighbors.

He was looking forward to a fresh start; however, things would not end up going entirely to plan, and he would soon learn that even the towns that seemed perfect on the outside have their secrets.
Not long after settling into his new neighborhood, Burns came across something a little strange. There was an older woman who owned a house across the street from him, but instead of living inside the house, she lived in her car. He couldn’t understand why she would do this when her house was right there. It wouldn’t be long before Burns would get to the bottom of this puzzle, but what he found out was shocking.
When Kevin Burns first arrived at his house in California, he was convinced that the house across the street was abandoned. It wasn’t until about a year later that he realized that…..Read Full Story Here………