
Woman Finds Starving Child Trapped In The Closet And Doesn’t Let Her Parents Get Away With it

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Tracy Harrell is the owner of the Randleman Enrichment Center, a daycare center in Randleman, North Carolina. She accompanied police officers during a welfare check on a little girl who may have attended her daycare center.

Upon arriving at the home, it initially appeared empty. However, they heard the desperate cries of a young girl from inside, responding to her name called by the officers.

The door to the home was locked, prompting Harrell to crawl through a window on the front porch. What she discovered inside left her in shock. Underneath the staircase was a closet, and it was from behind this closet door that the little girl’s voice had come.

Harrell described the harrowing scene, saying, “Her feet were black, her little hands were shaky. She had bitten all her nails down until they were bleeding. Hair was shaved, what wasn’t had been pulled out so she had bald spots all over her head. Her face was….Read Full Story Here…….

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