“When a woman noticed a little girl stealing from her shop, she followed her in hopes of finding out where she was going. But what the woman discovered broke her heart and made her immediately burst into tears.

Kimberly Cook had owned her grocery store for many years. People came and went, buying all the things they needed, and over the years, she had gotten to know many of them. She recognized nearly everyone that frequented her shop, and that’s why something caught her attention one day.
She was busy restocking the shelves one morning when she spotted a little five-year-old girl down at the end of an aisle. Until that week, she had never seen this girl before. But every day for the past few days, this youngster had shown up at the same time, collected leftovers from the charity bin at the front of the store, and then ran away after having grabbed as much as she could carry.
At first, Kimberly wondered whether the girl was with someone – a mother or father, perhaps. But the more she saw her, the more obvious it was that she was alone. Strangely, though, this young girl was always pretty well dressed and didn’t look like someone who needed to…Read Full Story Here.……