A woman shocked her social media followers when she said that she got a tattoo of her ex-face partner on her face, after being “cheated”.
Narally Najm (@narallynajm13) went on TikTok to talk about her personal love life after a dramatic turn of events led her to find out that her ex-girlfriend Laura had been cheating on her.
In a clip that was shared on the video-sharing site, Najm said that all she had ever wanted was to be “happy” with her small family. But those plans fell through when she found “receipts” that were supposed to show that Laura had been cheating on her even as she was giving birth to their son, King.
In another video she posted, she showed a cute picture of her family laughing together in matching pajamas in front of a bathroom mirror.
Even though they are laughing in the video, the caption gives a very different impression: “Thinking we were the perfect family. Just gave her a son a week ago, we bought a home and everything seemed so real… Just to find out she been cheating… Even while I was in labor [broken heart emoji].”
Now, being cheated on is never going to be easy, and sometimes it can be hard to control how you feel about it. But Najm’s reaction was definitely one of a kind. This single mother of one decided to do the opposite of what most people do, which is to get even.
Instead, she got a picture and the name of her ex-partner tattooed on her face. Since then, TikToker has shown her fans and followers the new tattoo she got on her cheek, which will stay there forever. She did this while grinning at the camera.
Next to the video, the following text could be seen: “When everyone jealous of me because I have DADDY’S face tatted on me even though DADDY cheats.”
Many of her 280,000 followers were shocked by her decision, which came as a surprise to them. People wrote a lot of comments, and many of them asked how Najm was feeling when she made this choice.
“We are watching someone’s biggest future regret…” wrote one user.
“Whatever kind of love this is…I don’t EVER want to experience it,” added another.
Even though her choice was criticized, Najm seems happy with it because she has uploaded 15 more videos showing her new tattoo and three more additions, all of which are dedicated to Laura. She had a picture of her ex-face partner and the name “Laura” carved into the skin of her neck and right arm. Both of these tattoos would always remind them of how they felt about each other.
Since we live in the age of social media, it’s possible that all of this is just a way to get more people to follow them. In any case, let’s cross our fingers and hope she doesn’t change her mind about any of those tattoos because getting them removed with a laser is going to be a very expensive thing to do.