
Woman Hears Whining in Attic After Her Parents Death, When She Took Closer Look inside She’s Shocked

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a woman moved into her late parents house and started hearing weird noises from the attic she tried to check but chickened out many times until her friend came over they would have never imagined what was up there Gemma closed her book took off her reading glasses and yawned heavily stretching her arms in the air with all the exhaustion she felt the day had been too hectic after moving into her late parents house her dad died years earlier but her mother had just passed from a heart condition moving there had never been her plan but she thought doing this was better than trying to sell a house at all also real estate prices were enough to cause bigger jump scares than in The Exorcist So she was ready for some deep sleep and even her Stephen King novel could not keep her awake.

yawning again she placed her glasses in the books on her nightstand turned off the lamp and settled cozily in her new bed with her new blankets but a rest would be interrupted soon am I afraid she asked herself staring up to the door of the attic the whining noise was still present I can’t be I’ve been reading horror novels since I was 10. I can’t be afraid come on go up those stairs come on she woke in the middle night lifting her torso off the bed abruptly as if a nightmare had pushed her up and awoke suddenly but Gemma couldn’t remember dreaming about anything she looked around her room blinking her sleep awake but could barely see the reflection of the Moonlight coming through the window and reflecting on the floor.

however as her mind cleared she heard some strange rustling it was coming outside her room possibly the living room was there someone in the house she wondered not precisely frightened but not thrilled at all she grabbed her glasses which didn’t do much in the darkness but she didn’t turn any lights on as she placed her feet on the slippers next to the bed Gemma stood up grabbed a robe from behind her door and went out into the hallway her house was quiet except for that strange rustling and the sounds of the wind outside the noise got louder in hotter as she walked through the hallway towards the living room and kitchen when she turned the corner she saw clear movement in her kitchen near the wastebasket a figure was rummaging inside it and she let out a squeak.

before rushing to flip the light switch to her utter shock she stared into the big wide eyes of a criminal who had broken into her house at least it seemed like he had a mask on and Gemma screamed louder this time which startled the raccoon that had been rustling in her garbage bin she yelled at it gesturing with her hand she hated animals in general and raccoons often caused problems and probably brought diseases the animals scurried away through her window which he must have pushed open somehow so Gemma closed it thoroughly this time and returned to the bedroom she’d never heard or saw the raccoon again but at some point Gemma almost wished he had she wished she had liked animals so that she could get a companion of some sort after her mother’s passing she felt lonelier than ever perhaps a dog would help her somehow not to mention this house was eerily quiet at night.

sometimes but other times there were strange sounds the creaking from the four boards although no one walked on them the sound of water through the old pipes had become creepy as the HVAC system ran there was also an owl who sat on a tree outside and hooted for several minutes before taking off into the night although she had lived there before as a child she never remembered her home feeling that way could it be the loneliness she wondered on those nights is it making me crazy however a new strange sound started on her fifth night at the house it was whining a haunting tilt she couldn’t place it was not the owl or the raccoon well she had no idea what kind of noise raccoons made but as she wandered through the house turning on lights and inspecting every nook and cranny she could Gemma concluded that the sound was coming from the attic she almost climbed.

the stairs to check but something in her heart stopped her am I afraid she asked herself staring up to the door of the attic the whining noise was still present I can’t be I’ve been reading horror novels since I was 10. I can’t be afraid to come on go up those stairs come on but her feet would not budge no matter what she would not go up there at least not alone.

I’m glad you invited me over Gemma it’ll be good to catch up Bobby greeted her he had been her neighbor growing up but they lost touch after graduation as they left for different colleges however she stumbled upon him at the market earlier that day and decided to invite him for dinner she told him it was for dinner but she was going to ask him something actually Bobby before we catch up can you do me a favor sure can you come with me to the Attic.

why he asked frowning there’s this Eerie whining coming from up there I’ve been hearing it for the last few nights and for some reason I don’t have the courage to go up there alone will you come with me she almost begged Bobby grins slightly I thought you weren’t afraid of anything.

the brave Jenna with her Halloween books he teased horror novels and yeah yeah I know I’m a chicken but please will you come with me sure let’s go the pair climbed the stairs and Gemma shushed him when the whining started see that’s the sound what is it that sound I mean it doesn’t sound scary Bobby said his brows going Diamond Bond well try hearing it at 3am when there’s no light and this crazy old house is adding to the creepiness with its creaking and cranking Gemma deridan let’s go find out there’s strength in numbers after all they open the door and went in the attic and Gemma quickly walked to the middle of the room where a light bulb hung from the ceiling.

she turned it on only to discover a bunch of boxes and nothing else where’s the noise body asked suddenly The Whining started back up and they were both mildly startled as it came from a corner that the light didn’t touch watch out John stay behind me Bobby warned getting closer to her and they sauntered towards the noise what is that she whispered worried but strangely Bobby’s stiff shoulders relaxed as his eyes noted something oh Jesus Gemma look he said relieved and pointed behind a box Gemma peaked her head in and saw a cat with three kittens sleeping beside her oh my God Gemma said cringing at the animal.

she must have given birth year not too long ago Bobby said his voice gently as he got down on the floor careful it’s a stray Gemma Warren come on gem she’s not dangerous look she’s friendly Bobby countered and started patting the cat she must be hungry do you have any food we can give her come on sure let me find something Gemma replied and went downstairs she brought some two men water for the mama cat and watched her eat ravenously Bobby promised to take her to the vet the following day and they both went back downstairs to dinner surprisingly Gemma accompanied Bobby to the vet the cat and the kittens were healthy and Gemma shocked herself when she offered to keep the cat with her kittens at her house twice a day she would come close look at the babies and give the mama a gentle Pat after placing her food and water bowls nearby.

soon she and Bobby found new families for the kittens but Gemma couldn’t part with the mama cat despite her initial dislike of animals so she kept and named her Agatha very fitting Bobby commented when she decided on the name I know right she smiled staring into his eyes and then looking back at the cat Agatha was not the cuddliest feline in the world but every once in a while she allowed some Pats from Gemma and Bobby.

when he was over suddenly Gemma didn’t feel so alone and the creepy sounds of a house that had been bugging her for days seemed to disappear in truth she was not scared of them anymore she was lonely no longer and Bobby well he came over more often until he never left

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