
Woman Meet a Poor Hungry Girl On The Street, Gave Her Money To Buy Food , Few Years Later The Unexpected Took Place

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Siena Thompson, a simple meatpacking worker, gave her last bit of change to a hungry street child. When Siena was having her worst day twelve years later, a millionaire knocked on her door, and what she’d done was covered in newspapers all over the world.

The routine was the same every time. The clock struck five o’clock in the afternoon, signaling the end of the day shifts for dozens of workers at a meat packing plant in Chicago. Siena was one of those employees who ran down the same street after work to catch the subway back home. Because the work was so demanding, she was exhausted at times.

On that day, the slaughterhouse received a large shipment of pork. Despite having power tools to help her with the cutting, Siena had to carry and move a large amount of meat from one side to the other. Her arms trembled from exertion, but the job was eventually completed.

On days like this, Siena would take the subway home and sleep for most of the ride. Siena’s coworkers, who live in the same neighborhood, were on hand to wake her up so she wouldn’t miss her stop. However, she was left alone in the wagon on this particular day. If she slept, she risked waking up only one or two stops away, potentially resulting in a 40-minute wait before she could finally sleep, which was a bad idea.

Worrying didn’t help matters because Siena dozed off in the subway. However, a man’s deep and gentle voice jolted her awake. “Lady, your stop is coming up, isn’t it?” Siena opened her eyes, puzzled by what was going in…….Read Full Story Here.……….

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