Woman Mistakes ‘Eyelash’ for Something Far Worse! What Doctors Found Will Haunt Your Nightmares!”

Woman thinks eyelash is an eye, but doctor explains it’s a parasite. On a ranch in Brookings, Oregon, Abby Beckley grew up as an outgoing young woman. Being the outdoorsy girl that she was, she immediately seized the chance to work on a commercial salmon fishing boat in Craig, Alaska.

Everything seemed to be going well for young Beckley until a couple of weeks into her job, which was when she started facing symptoms. She experienced frequent migraines along with these symptoms, which included her left eye being red, irritated, and droopy.
Beckley went through these symptoms for five whole days until she finally reached the port, which was when she took a good look at her left eye. She pulled the bottom of her eye down and noticed that the skin there looked odd. She then proceeded to….Read Full Story Here………..