
Woman Runs Over Her Baby By Car, What Happens Next Is Heartbreaking

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Cyra Rose, born May 16, 2022, was just 13 months old when the tragedy happened due to a gut-wrenching accident in which baby Cyrus’ loving mother, Jeffreya Thornburg, accidentally ran over her beloved child. As soon as Thornburg realized what had happened, she immediately called 9-1-1 to report the incident.

The little girl brought smiles to everyone she encountered and asserted herself as a bright light in the world. Sadly, she passed away on July 6. On the morning she died, the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) responded to a 911 distress call from Cyrus’ mother, who lives in Cottonwood.

Thornburg frantically reported having accidentally run over her baby while attempting to maneuver her vehicle, which was packed in a tight space on a gravel area adjacent to her home.

The devastated mother explained that before attempting to move the car out of the space, she had placed her daughter in her car seat at what she thought was a safe distance, far enough away from the vehicle. As she started to…..Read Full Story Here……..

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