
Woman’s Family Lied for 17 Years That Her Newborn Died — They Sue Her after She Uncovers the Fraud

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The loss of a child is any parent’s worst nightmare. For one mother, losing her newborn was made all the more devastating because she learned her family had lied to her for 17 years.

Zhang Caihong was led to give her son away shortly after birth, but as she dug deeper, she uncovered a shocking truth.

The question of what happened to her baby boy kept Caihong awake, so she took action and did a DNA test. The results were unexpected, and this story of deception and emotional turmoil will leave you speechless.

A Heartbreaking Decision
Giving up a child is one of the most challenging and heart-wrenching choices a mother can make. For Caihong, the fear of harm from her ex and his family led her to seek refuge at her cousin’s home.

However, she never imagined the ordeal she would face upon the birth of her son. Her cousin’s sister-in-law reportedly shared devastating news with Caihong, informing her that her newborn son was severely disabled.

The revelation shattered the mother’s world. With no reason to doubt her relatives, she gave up her child, knowing it was the best choice for his well-being.

An Emotional Rollercoaster
Sadly, Caihong’s anguish was far from over. She was later notified that her precious baby boy had died after a tragic accident wherein he had frozen to death.

The mother mourned his loss, but years later, she made a shocking discovery by chance. Her emotional rollercoaster reached new heights when she learned her son had not passed away.

The revelation that the boy’s “adoptive” mom was somebody she knew was a shocking twist in Caihong’s journey and it only added to the turmoil she had already experienced.

The Mother’s Mission to Find Her Son
Caihong learned her little boy was alive and well, furthering his education at school. This dramatic twist left the mother stunned as she realized her cousin’s sister-in-law had told her a series of lies. Caihong stated:

“They stole my baby.”

The feeling of joy learning her son was alive took preference, and the mother set out on a mission to find him.

She took a DNA test and purportedly got the confirmation she needed to locate her son. According to Caihong, the boy also looked like her ex-husband, so she knew he belonged to her

The revelation that the boy’s “adoptive” mom was somebody she knew was a shocking twist in Caihong’s journey and it only added to the turmoil she had already experienced

However, Caihong’s love for her son overpowered any negative emotions, and she remained determined to create a life with him after 17 years apart.

Caihong’s desire to be reunited with her son was not without battles, as she found herself in a legal fight to bring her son home. The demands of the boy’s “adoptive” parents were shocking to the mother.

They filed a lawsuit against her, seeking repayment for the expenses they incurred raising the child. However, Caihong refused because the adoption was illegal and she would not allow any more injustice to be inflicted upon her.

Caihong hopedt the couple would be punished for their role in stealing her baby, and she wanted to see them held accountable for the pain and suffering caused.

For Caihong, it was not just a legal battle but a fight for the rights of all mothers separated from their children against their will.

The news that Caihong’s son was alive, 17 years after he was stolen from her by her relatives, is a cause for celebration and a reminder of the trauma she had endured for nearly two decades.

The revelation that her cousin’s sister-in-law was responsible for taking her son away displayed how much she was betrayed by those closest to her.

While the road ahead may be long and complicated, Caihong’s discovery has given her hope and renewed strength to continue the fight.

Caihong’s horrific experience has left many people outraged and hoping for a good outcome in her favor. Her story is a powerful reminder of the enduring bond between a mother and her child, and we wish them many happy years together after so much time apart!

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