When a giant anaconda shows up at a construction site, the workers quickly determine that something is wrong with it. It is moving extremely slowly and has a giant, unnatural bulge on its body. When a veterinarian cuts the animal open, revealing what was causing the bulge, nobody could believe it.
How did the snake even find this so deep in the rainforest?
When the worker called the vet back, he decided he would immediately come their way. This snake needed to be cut open because there was obviously something in its stomach that shouldn’t be there. It might even be a life-or-death situation.
When the vet finally arrived, he quickly sedated the now almost lifeless giant anaconda. It wasn’t the first time he had performed a procedure like this, but he was still nervous. This wasn’t his trusty clinic but the middle of the jungle—anything could happen here.
When the veterinarian carefully cut open the enormous bulge on the snake, the contents were immediately revealed, and everybody’s jaw dropped to the floor.
How was this possible?
But was the vet in time to save the snake? What did they find inside the snake, and why was the vet so incredibly surprised by it?
For a couple of months now, construction on a new road in the Amazon had been ongoing. Workers had been working hard to make sure this new road was finished as soon as possible, but it had not been easy. It had been a slow and difficult process, as getting materials to the site was a challenge due to the lack of available trucks. The constant dangers of the rainforest had also slowed the process down.
Workers were way behind schedule. They started to worry because their employer was threatening to take action if they didn’t finish the job on time. The employer even threatened to fire them. The workers knew they had to take action—they couldn’t afford any more delays. Their boss gave them an ultimatum: finish by the end of the month or get fired. So, they decided to work even harder than before.
But they didn’t know they were about to face another big obstacle.
As the workers were clearing out the path where the pavement was going to be laid, one of them suddenly jumped back. He had seen something emerge from the vegetation that scared him—a massive anaconda, the biggest they had ever seen.
It slowly made its way across the clearing they had just made, seemingly deciding to settle there. The workers were both scared and surprised. What should they do?
The workers hoped it would pass quickly so they could continue working, but it seemed to slow down. Then, one of the workers suddenly noticed something strange—the snake had a giant bulge on its body.
They had never seen anything like this before.
Action had to be taken.
With the snake now resting firmly on the worksite, the workers knew they had to do something. But while they understood the urgency, they were also really scared. One of the workers cautiously approached the snake.
“No!” yelled the others.
They warned him that the snake might act aggressively in this condition, trying to defend itself if it felt threatened. So, the workers came up with another solution. They decided to call the nearest animal veterinarian.
When the call ended, the worker who had spoken to the vet reacted in shock.
The vet said that the snake might be pregnant and about to lay eggs—right in the middle of their construction site.
To confirm this, the vet gave the workers a dangerous task. She asked them to figure out exactly where the bulge was located on the snake’s body. To do this, they needed to stretch the snake out a bit, as it was mostly curled up.
Most of the workers hesitated.
What if the snake attacked them?
Then, one of them took control of the situation. A brave worker positioned himself in the most dangerous spot to keep the others safe. Two other workers grabbed the tail of the snake, attempting to stretch it out.
Luckily, the snake’s head was quite far from its tail, so the chances of it biting them were slim—especially given how sluggish it had been moving before. Still, they didn’t want to take any risks. They geared themselves up with the toughest materials they could find while another worker stood by, ready to distract the snake if necessary.
With lead in their shoes, the two men grabbed the snake’s tail.
All the workers held their breath, hoping everything would go according to plan.
But there was nothing to worry about—the snake put up no fight whatsoever. It allowed itself to be stretched out almost fully. Now, the workers could clearly see where the bulge was located. They called the vet back to report their findings.
The workers were curious about what to do next, as they had never seen a snake lay eggs before.
But the vet’s tone immediately changed when she heard where the bulge was.
If the bulge was due to eggs, it would be located much farther back on the snake’s body. However, this bulge was near the start of the stomach, meaning the snake had swallowed something it couldn’t digest.
It needed immediate surgery to survive.
The workers didn’t know what to do. Should they bring the snake to the vet, or would she come to them? They hoped she would come to them, but getting to the workers’ location was a challenge.
After some discussion, a manager at the company’s warehouse agreed to drive the vet through the rainforest in an all-terrain Jeep.
The journey took three hours.
During the drive, the vet wondered if saving this snake was worth sacrificing an entire day when other animals might also need help. But she had made her decision.
Back at the worksite, the workers struggled to keep the snake in place. Their worst fear was becoming a reality—the snake was starting to move again. Some workers wanted to just let it go so they could get back to work and meet their deadline.
“Why are we even bothering with this snake?” one of them asked.
But others, who had taken the vet’s words to heart, knew that if they let the snake go now, it would die.
Fortunately for the snake, the latter group was in the majority.
They blocked its path with sheets of metal, but the snake became increasingly irritated. The workers started to question if this was the right thing to do. A snake of this size—even in poor condition—could easily kill one of them.
By the time the vet arrived, the situation was escalating. The snake was becoming aggressive, striking at workers holding the sheet metal. Some workers had already had close calls. Fear reached an all-time high, and some dropped the metal and ran.
The vet knew she had to act fast.
She prepared a tranquilizer, knowing there was a risk the snake might not wake up. But seeing how aggressive it was, she believed it had the strength to survive.
Waiting for the right moment, she swiftly injected the sedative into the snake’s lower body.
Over the next few minutes, the snake slowed down more and more. The vet administered additional sedatives until the giant anaconda was fully unconscious. Some workers collapsed in exhaustion, relieved to have survived.
Now, the vet could finally focus on the bulge.
She retrieved her surgical kit from the Jeep. By feeling the snake’s body, she confirmed her suspicions—the object was lodged at the entrance of the stomach. The only option was surgery.
With precision and care, she cut open the bulge.
What she found inside shocked everyone.
It wasn’t what they expected—it was a small plastic box.
The workers immediately recognized it.
It was their old cooler box, where they stored perishables. They had left it outside the truck after the meat inside spoiled. Somehow, the snake had found it, picked up the scent, and swallowed it whole.
Now, it was fighting for its life.
With the box removed, the vet stitched up the snake, implanted a tracking chip, and waited for it to wake up.
When the snake finally stirred, it moved much faster than before, slithering back into the jungle.
The vet thanked the workers for their efforts.
Back in the city, she monitored the snake’s movements.
It was behaving normally.
The surgery was a success.
She had saved its life.