
Young Boss Fires Lady for Her Age, She Takes Revenge by Dating His Dad

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Ella was a widow in her 60s, scrambling to become a working citizen again. After finally finding a job, she gets unfairly fired by her new boss. She sets her heart on revenge, but circumstances change when love comes knocking.

Ella nervously sat in the office waiting area with the other, much younger candidates. This was her third interview that week alone. It had been a long two months of rejection after rejection. By this point, Ella had heard all the possible rejection phrases for a 58-year-old former housewife as herself:

“I’m sorry, but we can’t afford to hire someone your age. I hope you understand,” one interviewer said.

“Your last job was more than 20 years ago? I’m sorry, but we simply can’t experience someone with so little experience, especially at your age,” another interviewer told her.

“Yikes! All I can say is, good luck! You’re going to need it!” another crudely retorted.

Ella had almost lost all hope at this point. The saddest part of it all was that none of it was her fault. How could she possibly have known that her late husband, who had always been the family breadwinner, would suddenly pass away from cancer?

“What the..?! Are you blind! Do you know how much this suit costs?!” an infuriated Sam barked at her.
Her last job must’ve been a couple years after she finished college. And even that was short-lived as she and her husband decided she would be a housewife. And now, here she was, trying to secure a job and a pension.

If her lack of experience wasn’t enough of a setback, her age was another one. Ella had very little time to collect the necessary number of credits to receive a normal pension.

“Ella… Is there an Ella here?” the secretary called, as she read her name from a note.

“Uhm…yes. Here,” Ella said, standing up.

“Oh!” the secretary said, throwing Ella a stunned glance. “Alright. You’re up next. This way,” she concluded, ushering Ella towards the door.

Unlike the rest of her interviews, this one actually panned out for Ella. While she didn’t get the bookkeeping job she was originally applying for, she did get a job as a cleaner. It wasn’t much and far from what her college degree in accounting qualified her for, but it was the only position anyone was willing to give her.

Several years passed and Ella continued working in her cleaning position. She figured if she stuck it out with the cleaning position, she would eventually be able to accumulate the required credits for her pension.

It was about a month before Ella’s 64th birthday and she was a step closer to achieving that goal. Unfortunately for Ella, a new young boss, Sam, had joined the company and their first encounter was anything but pleasant.

Ella was mopping the corridors as she did every morning. It was Sam’s first day and as he was walking down the corridor to his new office, Ella turned around and hit him with the mop by mistake. The mop left a soiled stain on his expensive grey suit and white shirt.

What the..?! Are you blind! Do you know how much this suit costs?!” an infuriated Sam barked at her.

“I’m so sorry, sir. I…I didn’t hear you coming,” Ella explained in a stammer.

“Of course you didn’t! What are you, 80 years old?!” Sam snapped, desperately trying to wipe the dirt off his suit. “Do you know how much this suit costs?!”

“I’m so sorry. Please, it was an honest mistake,” Ella pleaded.

“Ah! Just get out of my way!” Sam said, rushing off.

The rest of the day saw Ella in a state of constant anxiety, particularly when she found out from one of the other cleaners that Sam was the new guy in charge. However, Ella’s day managed to end on a good note after an encounter with a stranger in the elevator.

Ella got into an elevator with a man around the same age as her. He was elegantly dressed in an expensive suit. Ella figured he must have been a company client or consultant. While she did find him attractive, she knew better than to meddle with executives and the likes. Their ego was never worth the trouble.

“Hi, sir,” Ella said softly, turning to the side shyly.

“Good afternoon, ma’am,” the man, Thomas, replied. Out of the blue, the elevator stopped.

“Oh, no! Are we stuck?” Thomas asked, hitting the emergency button sporadically.

“I think so… But don’t worry, it does this sometimes. We should be good in about 10 minutes,” Ella explained before looking away, trying to mind her business.

Ella expected that, like most individuals of his status that she’d come across, he would never give her the time of day. But, to her surprise, Thomas continued in conversation.

“So, you enjoy working for the company?” Thomas asked.

“It’s been a pleasure. It’s one of the only companies that would hire me, so I’m eternally grateful,” Ella responded.

“That’s good. My son is the new CEO, so I’m glad to hear he’s doing a good job,” Thomas said.

“Nope! That’s it! I’ve had enough out of you. You’re fired! Never lay a foot in my building again!” Sam scolded her.
“Oh, interesting,” Ella said softly, feeling awkward about her recent interaction with her boss. She then noted a familiar book in Thomas’ hand.

“Is it your first time reading that?” Ella said, pointing at the book.

“Oh, this?” Thomas said, raising the book. “No, I’ve probably read it about a million times. Never gets old. I know, some people may find it childish, but I couldn’t care less,” Thomas said.

“I disagree. I think it’s one of the most brilliant masterpieces of our time. Every time I read it, I come across something new,” Ella said.

“Oh, really? You’re a fan?” Thomas asked, intrigued.

“A fan?” Ella said with a scoff, beginning to quote the book. “When you want something, all the…” Ella started as Thomas joined in to finish her sentence, saying, “…universe conspires in helping you to achieve it,” Thomas and Ella concluded simultaneously.

The pair continued to share their love for books for almost 30 minutes. The elevator maintenance took longer than expected, but neither of them minded. They went on and on about their favorite literature. Thomas quoted multiple random authors, trying to test Ella’s knowledge. But she knew every quote.

Thomas was in utter disbelief. In as little as thirty minutes, he’d come across an instant chemistry he hadn’t experienced in years. An unexpected spark flashed between the two, finally finding themselves gazing into each other’s eyes. Suddenly, the elevator doors shot open

“Well, I guess our little book club has come to an abrupt end,” Thomas said.

“Yeah…I guess so,” Ella said as people began to approach the elevators. Thomas left, stealing one last gaze at Ella, the bookworm from the elevator.

Three weeks passed, and Ella and Thomas hadn’t seen each other since that fateful encounter in the elevator. After a long day, Ella decided she’d take a couple of minutes to rest on one of the couches in the lobby. As she lay there, Sam suddenly appeared.

“And what’s this, princess? You forgot you had a job?” Sam said sarcastically.

“Sorry, sir. It’s just been a long day, and I thought I’d try to get a little rest,” Ella responded, nervously getting up and grabbing the mop.

“A little rest? On company time?!” Sam said, infuriated. “Not on my watch! You’re lazy, you’re old, you’re sloppy, and you clearly don’t deserve to work here, let alone ‘rest’ here,” Sam snapped.

“Apologies, sir,” Ella said in an anxious stammer.

“Nope! That’s it! I’ve had enough out of you. You’re fired! Never lay a foot in my building again!” Sam scolded her.

“Please, sir! I’m only a week away from qualifying for my pension. After that, you’ll never have to see me again. Please, I’m begging you!” Ella pleaded.

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