
‘You’re Lying Through Your Teeth’: Joe Scarborough Torches James Comer’s Attempt to Justify House GOP Attack on Alvin Bragg

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Joe Scarborough tore into House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer’s (R-KY) defense of his fellow House Republicans and their effort to go after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Scarborough led Morning Joe on Monday as they reviewed Comer’s interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union. The tense conversation gravitated around the House GOP’s threats to have Bragg testify before Congress over his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s alleged falsification of business records concerning the Stormy Daniels hush money scandal.

Throughout the interview, Comer accused Bragg of overstepping his boundaries as a district attorney and that, “I don’t believe that Bragg would be doing this if Donald Trump were not running for president.” Scarborough was far from impressed, snarking, “you’re lying through your teeth. You know you are lying through your teeth.”

Scarborough kept the sarcasm going quite a bit:

These Republicans, they come from a far and distant land. They never had video tape when they were growing up. They don’t realize that the images and the words that are said in the past can come back to haunt them.

He said, the only reason why he’s doing this, why, he wouldn’t do this if Donald Trump weren’t running for president, as if he forgot all the times before Trump announced his latest run for the presidency, everybody was predicting he would do it. Why? So his allies could claim — like Comer just did — that the investigations were politically motivated.

Oh, they’re only doing this because he is running for president. They would never do this if he weren’t running. We said for a year that if Donald Trump ran, and that if he announced early, it would be so he could say the four investigations, that were currently moving forward, were connected to a political campaign.

Scarborough referred to multiple reports from the past which indicated Trump sought to run in order to recapture the political spotlight, and to regain the legal protections that the presidency afforded to him. Scarborough also drove the point that Trump faced multiple investigations long before announcing his 2024 run.

“What Comer’s saying is such a lie,” Scarborough exclaimed. “Everybody saw this coming from miles away!”

Watch above via MSNBC.

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