
Update: Chicago Woman Brutalized by Mob Describes Harrowing Experience, Boyfriend Faced More Vicious Attack “They Said They Were Going to Kill Us”

Please Share reported on hundreds of teens rioting in the streets near Millennium Park Saturday night and the attack on a woman in the entry of a building.

Dozens of teens surrounded the woman, cornered her in a doorway, and attacked.

While reports focused on the young woman, and she appears alone in the video posted to social media, she spoke with Fox News to discuss the attack and revealed that she was with her boyfriend, who faced a more brutal attack not seen in the video.

The two were also robbed of their valuables and even their shoes

Ashley: I just recently saw the video. But we were just downtown in Chicago just trying to shop, you know, trying to get some food. And we were walking down the street and there was a really big group of guys, of people…

DJ: Girls..

Ashley: Yeah, guys and girls. And DJ had my hand and he was trying to lead me through the crowd of people. They pushed him, they pushed me. As soon as they pushed me I told DJ ‘Hey, they just shoved me’ and he asked them ‘Yo, don’t shove her? Who shoved her.’

And as soon as he said that, everything went crazy. You know, they said they were going to kill us. They turned around and, you know, started fighting, you know.

I got pushed down to the ground and the whole group of people went to DJ, not me…I have a lot less injuries than he does because I was more of a bystander than anything. But everyone went for him and it ended up in the middle of the street. They were jumping him in the middle of the street. It got pretty bad.

Fox reporter Sandra Smith asks about the extent of the injuries.

DJ: As you can see, I don’t know if you can see or not, I have a black eye. My face is messed up. My shoulder is pretty fu**ed up, it’s out of place. My back, sore. My nose…I don’t know what’s wrong with my nose, it’s swollen. I don’t know what’s going on with it, I’ll get it checked out soon.

Smith: Do you believe….that you two were targeted in this attack? Or do you believe this was random?

DJ: It was very random. Because all we were doing…we had just left Nordstrom…and we were looking for somewhere to eat…and we saw that group and they just thought they was tough…and didn’t want to move out the way, just out there being stupid…young and dumb…trying to prove a point for nothing. So that’s how that happened.

Ashley: It was absolutely random. We didn’t know anyone, we were just trying to walk through a group of people.

Smith: And you were also robbed? Right? Did you have things taken from you Ashley?

DJ: Yes. Both of our pairs of shoes. My Yeezys…her sandals, her Apple watch, my hat. We had just bought the sh**…

Ashley: Both our phones.

DJ: Glasses..her glasses….both our phones. Cops drove right by it…act like they didn’t see anything.

Ashley: While DJ was getting jumped in the middle of the street…that’s when I was getting up off the ground…that’s when I saw the cops drive right by…they almost had to avoid the collision to get past us…but they just drove by the incident in the middle of the street.

Smith: I’ve only got a few seconds left, but a Good Samaritan picked you up and took you to the hospital, correct?

DJ: Yes, yes. Her name was Lenore.

Ashley: God bless her. She gave us shoes, she took us home, she took us to the hospital.

DJ: Her husband as well.

Ashley: Thank you so much. I don’t know where we would have been without her.

Watch the interview below.

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