
McDonalds Employee Quits His Job In Middle Of The Shift After Being Asked Clean Used Dishes (Video)

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A young worker at McDonald’s shocked his coworkers when he quit in the middle of his shift because he didn’t want to clean the dirty cooking equipment.

The viral video from a fast food restaurant in New Zealand has split the internet since it was posted on TikTok.

The video of the sudden walkout starts with a shot of a sink full of dirty grills and fryers that the young worker was told to start cleaning.

Hell no, I am not cleaning that, I ain’t cleaning that,

he said.

Actually, I quit!

His boss can be heard yelling at him, and his confused coworkers are pleading with him to stay.

A woman who is upset about a coworker’s sudden departure can be seen waving her arms around.

No! Get back here!

the manager is heard screaming.

A colleague added:

Oh, f*** that!

The young worker sticks to his decision and leaves.

I quit, I’m leaving Maccas. See you on the flip side b*****!

he said.

The video has been watched more than 1.4 million times in just 12 hours after it was shared.

But many people didn’t care and didn’t think the job was as bad as the McDonald’s worker said it was.

Not even that bad it’s like 20 mins of work,

one viewer wrote.

Another added:

Kids don’t wanna work, lazy as hell.

Others said they wouldn’t have minded doing the job and would have been happy to do it.

I loved dishes so much, it meant I didn’t have to work on orders,

one wrote.

In New Zealand, there are 170 McDonald’s restaurants with a total of 10,000 employees.

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