
I’m Dating This Married Man Because Of His Money But Now He Wants To Marry Me, But I’m Scare Of Something

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He walked into the shop, checked a few items up, and told me, “I will come back to get them. I hope you’ll give me a discount when I come back?” He was a man in his late fifties. He looked like someone who takes really good care of himself; short, dark, no potbelly, shinny teeth, and a beautiful smile to match.

I answered, “If you come and my boss is around, he might be able to give you a discount.” He said, “Give me your number. I will call before coming. I will like to know when your boss is here before I come.”

Three days later he called. He asked how I am and asked what time I close from work. I told him, “Latest by 7:30pm.” He came to the shop around 7pm, and paid for the things he wanted without asking for a discount. He said, I’m outside there in the black SUV, I will like to take you home when you close.”

I took a critical look at him again. He was wearing a ring that looked like he had worn it for ages. It fitted his finger without leaving spaces. If a man’s commitment to his marriage is measured by how tight his ring fit, I would have said this man’s commitment to his marriage was larger than life itself. I told him I would be ok so he shouldn’t worry. He told me he wants to do me this favor so I should allow him.

I closed the shop and hopped into his car. Everything about the car looked expensive. The interior smelled like something new. When you buy a new thing in a box and you open it, you see that scent that greets you? That’s exactly how the interior of the car smelled. From the shop to my house was just about forty minutes drive. This man got to the front gate and asked for……Read Full Story Here……

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