When Maya wouldn’t stop scratching her jaw, only for a pimple to appear, her parents knew she needed help. But when the doctors examined her face, they were horrified by what they discovered.

Aaron and Emma Whittington were an ordinary couple, absolutely in love with their little girl, Maya. A bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked 7-month-old, Maya was everything they had ever dreamed of. She was a good baby with very few issues, making their job as first-time parents seem like a breeze.
So when Maya started acting up and rubbing her face excessively, Emma knew something wasn’t right. She whisked her off to the local clinic to see what the doctor would say. She was relieved to hear that this sort of behavior was quite normal at Maya’s age. Rubbing off the face and cheeks often have to do with discomfort caused by teething. The doctors recommended some cold therapy and assured Emma that everything would be fine. But……Read Full Story Here………