
Young Boy Stops His Dad’s Wedding and Tells Him the Shocked Truth about His Fianceé

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A little boy refused to accept his father’s decision to get married again. He seemed utterly selfish and jealous, making several attempts to stop the marriage. Despite his father’s persistence, the boy continued to resist the union until he succeeded in doing so.

Jimmy Mlan, a brilliant lawyer, spent his youth preparing himself to be a great defender of law and righteousness. At the age of 32, he succeeded in building his small law company and got married to Elina, the love of his life. Elina was a successful lawyer too, and she won almost all the cases she worked for. After a couple of years of their marriage, Elina got pregnant, and Jimmy couldn’t be happier for such news. They prepared themselves financially and emotionally to have kids. Surprisingly, the day Elina decided to know the baby’s gender by visiting her doctor for an ultrasound, she discovered that she was expecting twins, a boy and a girl.

“Oh, Jimmy will be the happiest man on Earth,” Elina exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. That evening, she prepared a beautiful table and a luscious dinner with candles and roses. Jimmy felt happy for all this attention from his wife, not expecting the great news. During the dinner, Elina brought a gift box to Jimmy and asked him to open it.

“Oh dear, you spoiled me too much this evening,” he said, smiling gently while she crossed both her hands on one cheek, staring with shiny, happy eyes, waiting for his reaction. Upon opening the box, Jimmy found two pairs of colored baby shoes, one blue and one pink, along with an ultrasound image that revealed two babies. He was astonished for a while.

“Is it what I am thinking about?” he exclaimed.

Elina laughed and replied, “Yes, we’re having twins,” her eyes filled with tears of happiness. Jimmy couldn’t hold back his tears either. He was going to be a father at last, but not just for one child, but for two. What a nice surprise fate had brought to their house.

Days went by, and the happy couple was preparing for the delivery. They shared their hopes and dreams for their future with their kids, planning future travels, games, and tales to tell them. They chose the names they would give to each child, decorated their room, bought them clothes and toys, and all the needed supplies. The couple was happy, living their dream, but who knows what days can offer and how life can change really quickly.

The day of delivery came, and Elina felt severe contractions, which led them straight to the hospital. Elina had many complications and pain, and the doctors took her straight to the delivery room. Jimmy waited anxiously outside, his heart racing with anticipation. After what seemed like an eternity for Jimmy, the staff members started leaving the room, looking frustrated and sad. Jimmy felt his heart dropping into his knees as he asked, “What’s going on? Someone tell me, please.” Then he burst through the door and could hear a baby crying. He couldn’t understand what was happening. The doctor came across him and said, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Mlan. We lost Elina during the delivery and the girl. I’m deeply sorry.”

Jimmy was shocked and didn’t believe the doctor. “You must do something,” he cried. “No, she didn’t die. I can see her breathe.” Jimmy’s cries broke the staff’s heart. He was waiting for the happiest moments of his life, but now he had lost the dearest person to him and a child he never saw or cherished.

After the funeral, Jimmy went through severe depression, grieving the loss of his beloved wife and daughter. His mother came into his house to take care of the boy whom they had named Robin. She showered him with love and care, trying to fill the void left by Elina’s passing.

Years went by, and Jimmy seemed to have recovered from his grief, sensing the love and energy of his boy. Robin was a playful and sweet child, and his grandma took good care of him, giving him all the love and attention a mother could give to her own child. Jimmy’s business thrived as he poured all his time and energy into making it a worthwhile company with a respectable reputation. He worked tirelessly, driven by the desire to provide a better life for his son and to honor the memory of his late wife.

As Robin grew, Jimmy watched him with a mix of sadness and joy, remembering the dreams he and Elina had shared for their children. Despite the pain of his loss, Jimmy found solace in his son’s laughter and smiles, and he was determined to give him the best possible life.

At the age of 11, everyone who saw Robin agreed that he had grown into a magnificent boy. He was very clever, handsome, and talented, and he shone as the school star in football. Jimmy, determined to give his son the best possible education, paid large sums of money for him to attend prestigious schools. He also sharpened Robin’s talent by enrolling him in the best clubs and made sure to provide him personal support by attending every match he played.

As Robin’s grandma longed for her own residence, she eventually left them alone in their house. Her advanced age made it difficult for her to maintain their home, and she yearned for the comfort and familiarity of her own space. Jimmy, understanding her desire, helped her adjust to her house again, offering whatever she needed to facilitate her daily tasks as she didn’t like the idea of maids taking care of her house.

The grandma was overjoyed to be back in her own home, surrounded by the memories and familiarities of her past. She spent her days tending to her garden, cooking her favorite meals, and reminiscing about her life. Despite her advanced age, she remained sharp and active, always eager to share stories and wisdom with Robin whenever they met. Jimmy and Robin would often visit her, bringing her favorite treats and listening to her tales of the past. The grandma cherished these visits, feeling grateful for the love and support of her family. As she grew older, Jimmy and Robin made sure to spend quality time with her, ensuring that she felt loved and cared for in her own home.

As Robin was a chatty boy who loved spending quality time with his dad, he would open up to Jimmy about all sorts of topics. Jimmy cherished these moments with an open heart. He cherished the bond they shared and the conversations they had about life, family, and responsibilities. One day, as they were discussing family and responsibilities, Robin opened his heart to his dad, expressing his deep desire for having a mother and siblings in his life. He suggested that he was open to the idea of having a new family, and Jimmy was taken aback by his son’s words. Jimmy had been hesitant to consider remarrying, but Robin’s words gave him a new perspective. He explained that whenever he finds the right one, he will consider this, glad that his boy wasn’t refusing the idea of his dad getting married again.

Little did they know that fate had something in store for them. That month, as Robin, or Roby, was getting ready for the championship final of schools, Jimmy was the biggest fan of his boy. They arrived at the stadium at the right time, and Roby went with his team to start the warm-up before the match. The atmosphere was electric as people started gathering in the stadium where the tournament was taking place. Jimmy was looking for a nice spot to watch his son, and he finally found a good vantage point to cheer him on. The team did a great job and won the finals, and they were utterly happy. After the end of the game, the team celebrated their success and got the cup. Jimmy hugged his son, beaming with pride.

“I’m very proud of you, my boy,” he said.

Roby replied with enthusiasm, “Thanks, Dad. I couldn’t do this without your unwavering support.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you outside,” Jimmy said. “Take your time,” he added, already excited to share the moment with his son. Jimmy went outside and tried to cherish the moment where the sun was knitting its reddish-golden waves of light towards the Earth. The laughs and cheers of the kids around were making the day of this proud dad. He was standing next to his luxurious sports car, feeling the breeze caressing his face. The warmth of the sun and the excitement of the day had put him in a good mood. As he turned to enter his car, he bumped into a woman who was passing through. Her bag fell into the flowers, and at the moment she tried to grab it, Jimmy bent down to take the bag too. Their gazes met, and Jimmy couldn’t believe the charismatic woman was in front of him. An instant of chemistry filled the air, and Jimmy felt his heart skip a beat.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Jimmy said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“It’s my bad. I was walking so fast, looking down, I didn’t notice who was there ahead,” the woman replied, her voice barely above a whisper. A moment of silence filled the air, and then she extended her arm requesting her bag.

“Oh, sorry. Here you are,” Jimmy said, handing her the bag.

“It’s okay. It’s Lizzy, by the way,” she said, smiling slightly.

“Jimmy. Jimmy Mlan, my lady,” Jimmy said, feeling a bit awkward.

“You’re waiting for someone, I guess, Jimmy?” Lizzy asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“Well, yeah, I’m waiting for my boy,” Jimmy replied, feeling a bit confused.

“I suppose he plays with the winning team, Scottish Rovers? You seem happy, am I right?” Lizzy asked, her smile growing wider.

“Yeah, you’re right, Lizzy,” Jimmy said, feeling a sense of pride.

“Congrats, Jimmy. Happy for you,” Lizzy replied

, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

“Thanks,” Jimmy said, feeling a bit flattered.

“All right, I got to go now, Jimmy. Have a nice day,” Lizzy said, turning to leave.

Jimmy wanted to ask her if he could get in touch with her or maybe to know more about her, but he was a shy man who didn’t like things to go this way, so he just said, “Thanks, you too.”

At the time Lizzy left, Robin came along running on his way home from the game. He asked his dad, “Who’s that lady, Dad?”

“Actually, I don’t know her,” Jimmy replied. “We just met there.” Jimmy felt like he could open his heart to that woman, but his pride didn’t let him ask for her contact details. He hoped that one day they would meet again and he would have the chance to get to know her better.

The next week, Jimmy went to take Robin from school. To his surprise, Lizzy passed by and said, “Oh, hi Jimmy. Good morning.”

Jimmy felt butterflies in his stomach for this unexpected encounter. “Morning, Lizzy. What a nice surprise seeing you again,” he replied, trying to sound casual.

“Yeah, I was passing by,” Lizzy said. “Actually, I work not far away from here. I’ve seen you from the street corner and thought about saying hi.”

“Oh, that’s nice of you, Lizzy,” Jimmy said. “Actually, I’m planning an event inviting friends, customers, and you know. Here’s my card with address and number. I’ll be so happy if you can come so we can get to know each other.”

“Oh, my pleasure, Jimmy,” Lizzy replied. “I’ll do my best to come.”

At that time, Robin was coming towards the car when Lizzy had already gone after saying goodbye. Upon entering the car, Robin shouted, “Dad, it’s the lady from the match day!”

“Yeah, Rob, I think fate has something in store for us,” Jimmy said, smiling. “Look, I met her by pure chance.”

“That’s cool, Dad,” Robin said. “You’re thinking of making a family?”

“Haha, I just said hello to the woman,” Jimmy said, and they laughed together really hard.

On the day of the event, Jimmy was very busy with his guests, dropping an eye from time to time, hoping he could see Lizzy among the guests. Everything seemed organized and sophisticated. All the company members came for the announcement of their company’s partnership with a very important company. While he was talking to a colleague from the Supreme Court, Jimmy was captivated by a fascinating creature whose presence bewitched him. She was very beautiful, dressed modestly yet very classy, and she was reading a brochure, standing in the corner all alone. Jimmy apologized to his colleague and went towards her.

“Hello, Lizzy. I am glad you came,” Jimmy said, trying to sound casual.

“Hey, Jimmy. Well, I had some free time, so I said, why not come around,” Lizzy replied. “I didn’t know the company was yours. I just figured that from the brochure.”

Jimmy was taken aback by her words but tried to hide his surprise. “Ah yes, I’m the CEO,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant. “I’m glad you could make it. Can I get you a drink or something?”

Lizzy smiled and nodded. “That would be great, thank you,” she said.

Jimmy felt so happy for that encounter. They chatted for the rest of the evening, talking about business and life. Lizzy was pretty charming and a good talker, and she was very cultured, which made Jimmy feel lucky for encountering such a woman. Lizzy was an architect who had just started launching her business. Unlike Jimmy, who had thrived in his business, she was still building hers. Jimmy suggested that he could help her in developing her business, and that’s how they started talking on the phone or meeting from time to time. Jimmy’s vision and experience were priceless, and Lizzy didn’t want to miss that chance. She was grateful for his guidance and support, and Jimmy was happy to help her grow her business.

As they continued to talk and work together, Jimmy found himself falling for Lizzy’s charms. He was drawn to her intelligence, her passion for her work, and her kind heart. After several months, Jimmy caught real feelings for Lizzy. He admired her persona so much that he was thinking, why not marry again? She’s perfect for me. So one day he invited her to lunch and opened the topic with her, proposing the idea of marriage. Jimmy was thrilled to hear her response. He had been hoping that she would feel the same way. He knew that marrying again would be a big step, but he felt like it was the right decision for him. He was excited to start a new chapter in his life with her.

Lizzy was super happy and accepted the idea as she said, “I admire you too, Jimmy.” She debated several things, including his son, and commented that she loved kids. She hoped to meet him very soon so she could create a bond with him. As they continued to talk, Jimmy and Lizzy discussed the details of their potential marriage. They talked about their expectations, values, and goals. They both agreed that they wanted to build a life together and were excited to start this new chapter. After that evening, Jimmy walked Lizzy home, feeling happy and content. He knew that he had found the right person, and he was grateful for that chance encounter at the event. He couldn’t wait to start their new life together.

As Jimmy and Robin agreed to meet Liz at a diner, Robin’s excitement was palpable. He had always dreamed of having a family, and now he was about to meet the woman who would bring his father happiness and complete their little family. Robin’s heart swelled with joy at the prospect of having a mother and siblings at last. As they sat down at the diner, Robin’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the warm atmosphere and the chatter of the patrons. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation, knowing that this was a momentous occasion. Jimmy, too, seemed nervous but happy, his eyes shining with excitement as he introduced Robin to Liz.

At first, Robin tried to put on a brave face, hiding his growing unease behind a mask of enthusiasm. But as they chatted and laughed together, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off. Liz seemed nice enough, but there was something about her that didn’t sit right with Robin. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but his gut instinct was screaming at him that something was amiss. As they continued to chat, Robin’s discomfort grew. He found himself glancing around the diner, searching for an escape or a way to break the tension. Jimmy, oblivious to Robin’s unease, was beaming with happiness, and Liz seemed to be enjoying herself. But Robin’s instincts were screaming at him that this was not the right woman for his father.

After the dinner, Robin and Jimmy returned home. As they settled in, Robin mustered up the courage to express his true feelings about Liz to his father. With a heavy heart, he confessed that he simply didn’t like her at all. Robin went on to explain that he felt Liz was fake and that her actions were nothing more than an act. However, Jimmy, blinded by his own affection for Liz, dismissed Robin’s concerns as childish and unfounded. He couldn’t fathom the idea that the woman he had fallen for could be anything less than genuine. Jimmy’s unwavering trust in Liz made it difficult for him to see the truth that his own son was trying to convey.

After a short period, Liz and Jimmy got engaged, and she began to drop by Jimmy’s house from time to time. During these visits, she would often give instructions to the housemaid, acting as if she was in her own property. Robin, who had already developed a strong dislike for her, felt increasingly uncomfortable in her presence. Her condescending attitude towards him only added to his discomfort. Moreover, Robin noticed that Liz’s behavior changed significantly when Jimmy was around. She would shower the boy with attention and affection, lavishing him with love and admiration. This stark contrast to her cold and distant demeanor towards him made him feel even more uneasy. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was genuinely interested in his father or just using him to get closer to her goals.

As Liz’s business began to flourish, Jimmy’s generosity continued to support her endeavors. He handed her a large sum of money to open her office, and she used his generosity to further her own interests. Jimmy didn’t seem to mind, content in his belief that he was supporting his fiancée’s ambitions. One day, Robin was in the house when Liz dropped by unannounced. She didn’t know he was there, and he watched her from a distance as she sat in the salon, talking on the phone to a man. Her laughter and conversation were laced with an air of familiarity and intimacy, and Robin’s instincts told him that something was amiss. As he listened in, Robin’s heart sank as he heard Liz say, “We’re about to finish what we started. He’s a fool. No, no, don’t worry, he won’t notice anything.” The words sent a chill down his spine, and he knew instantly that she was talking about his father. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, and he felt a wave of anger and betrayal wash over him.

That night, Robin decided to confront his father about his suspicions. He couldn’t keep the truth to himself any longer, and he needed to know if Jimmy was aware of Liz’s true nature. With a heavy heart, Robin approached his father, determined to expose the truth and protect him from Liz’s manipulation. With a mix of emotions, his heart racing with anxiety, he revealed what he had overheard.

“Dad, I need to

tell you something,” he said, his voice trembling. “I was in the salon today when Liz came over. She was talking on the phone to a man, and I overheard her saying some things that made me very uncomfortable.”

Jimmy’s expression remained calm, but Robin could sense a hint of defensiveness in his tone. “What are you talking about, son?” Jimmy asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

Robin took a deep breath and continued. “She said something about finishing what they started and that you’re a fool. She also said that you won’t notice anything. I know she’s talking about you, Dad. I know she’s not who she says she is.”

Jimmy’s face remained impassive, but Robin could see the faintest glimmer of doubt in his eyes. “Robin, you’re just not used to her yet,” Jimmy said, his voice reassuring. “You’ll get used to her, and you’ll see that she’s a wonderful person. Once she moves in with us, you’ll get to know her better, and you’ll change your mind.”

Robin felt a surge of frustration and anger. How could his father be so blind to the truth? “You’re not listening to me, Dad,” Robin said, his voice rising. “I’m not just talking about her being nice or not. I’m talking about her being fake, manipulative, and using you for your money. You’re not seeing the real her, and you’re putting yourself and our family at risk.”

Jimmy’s expression turned stern, and he shook his head. “Robin, I understand that you’re worried, but you’re just being paranoid. Liz is a good person, and she loves me. You’ll see that once you get to know her better.”

As the days passed, Robin’s attempts to convince his father of Liz’s true nature fell on deaf ears. Jimmy remained steadfast in his belief that Liz was a good person who loved him and that Robin would eventually come to accept her once they were married. As he found himself torn between his love for his son and his desire to have Liz in his life, he worried that Robin’s rejection of Liz would put a strain on their relationship. He desperately wanted them to get along. However, his love for Liz was strong, and he was convinced that she was the one for him. Liz, sensing Jimmy’s hesitation, made a thousand promises to love and protect Robin as her own son. She assured him that she would be a loving and supportive mother figure and that she would do everything in her power to make Robin feel welcome and accepted in their new family.

The day of the wedding finally arrived, and the atmosphere was electric with excitement. The venue was transformed into a picturesque setting with colorful decorations, delicious treats, and a variety of cakes and drinks. The guests were all dressed in their finest attire, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the soft hum of chatter. However, amidst all the joy and celebration, one person stood out as a stark contrast: Robin. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his face was etched with deep sadness. He had been in a heated argument with his father just days before, refusing to accept Liz as his stepmother. The argument had started when a man claiming to be Liz’s brother had arrived at their house. Robin had been suspicious of the man from the beginning, sensing that something was off. As the man began to interact with Liz, Robin’s suspicions grew, and he eventually unleashed a tantrum, shouting, “This is not her real brother!”

In the end, Robin’s resolve was unwavering, and he decided to leave his father’s house, seeking solace with his grandmother. He packed a small bag and set off for her home, feeling a mix of emotions as he left behind the only life he had ever known. As he arrived at his grandmother’s house, Robin was enveloped in a warm hug and a soothing presence. His grandmother listened attentively as he poured out his heart, sharing his fears and concerns about Liz and the impending marriage. She listened with a compassionate ear, offering words of comfort and reassurance that only a grandmother could provide.

As the ceremony began, the officiant asked Jimmy if he accepted Liz as his wife. Jimmy’s eyes locked onto his son, Robin, who was sitting in the front row, his face etched with sadness. Jimmy’s expression changed, and he shook his head.

“No, I don’t,” he said, his voice firm but laced with a hint of regret.

Liz’s eyes widened in shock as she stared at Jimmy, her face pale. “What do you mean?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Jimmy’s gaze never left Robin’s face. “I mean that I’ve been lied to, manipulated, and used,” he said, his voice growing stronger. “You lied to me about your past, about your brother, and about your intentions. You used me for my money, and you brought that man to my house claiming he was your brother. That was incredible from you.”

The room fell silent, with all eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. The guests were stunned, unable to believe what they were hearing. Liz’s face turned white as she realized the extent of Jimmy’s discovery. It turns out that Robin’s grandmother was suspicious of Liz’s activities after Robin revealed what he knew and decided to investigate further. The house had some old surveillance cameras that were installed a few years ago to keep an eye on Robin. These cameras were installed when the grandmother lived with them, and she reviewed the recordings. They captured Liz’s conversations with the man, including her misbehavior with the stranger. The grandmother had also done some digging on the man, discovering that he had a criminal record for stealing and fraud. She had gathered all the evidence and had been waiting for the right moment to reveal the truth to Jimmy.

As the truth came to light, Liz’s facade crumbled. She held her dress, her eyes welling up with tears, and turned to leave the wedding. But it was too late. The police officers, who had been called to the scene, were already there, and they quickly apprehended Liz, preventing her from fleeing.

“You’re going to pay for your lies, Liz,” Jimmy said, his voice cold and detached.

The room erupted into chaos as the guests began to murmur and whisper among themselves, shocked by the revelation. Jimmy pursued Liz and the stranger, determined to let them pay the price for their acts in court severely. He had been blinded by his love for Liz, but now he saw her for what she truly was: a manipulative and deceitful person who had almost destroyed his life. He was filled with a sense of relief and gratitude towards his son, Robin, who had been the only one to see through Liz’s facade.

After the incident, he gathered again with his son, thanking him for his bravery and for saving him from the clutches of the scammers. Without Robin’s intervention, Jimmy was about to sink and lose everything he had built from scratch. He was grateful that his son had been there to stop him from making a grave mistake. As the days passed, Jimmy’s gratitude towards his son only grew stronger. He realized that he had been so caught up in his own emotions that he had almost lost sight of what was truly important: his son’s well-being and safety. He vowed to be more vigilant and to always put his son’s needs before his own.

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