
Priest Installs Camera to Find Out Who Was Stealing the Offering, But He Was Shocked to See

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Frank Jerome was a priest in charge of Saint Thomas Parish. He tried his best to lead his flock and ensure everything was done the right way, but then things began to go wrong. The church’s offerings suddenly started going missing, prompting him to investigate and find the culprit. What he would discover would shock everyone.

Frank Jerome was no one’s favorite priest. Ever since his transfer to Saint Thomas Parish, he could count on one hand how many times he had been invited to visit a parishioner. He was not the kind of priest people loved to flock around or the kind children ran to for a blessing.

Everyone treated him with the respect deserving of a priest, but they kept their distance and never got too familiar. The reason was not far-fetched: Frank Jerome was not a people person. It wasn’t that he chased people away or did things to keep them at bay; there was just something about his aura that made people uncomfortable. Despite this, Frank Jerome managed to run the parish properly. He was frugal with church expenses and ensured everything was in top shape. His Masses were never too long, which was something the parishioners appreciated, especially compared to the previous priest.

However, everything changed one morning when Frank Jerome noticed the offering basket was empty. All the money donated on Sunday was gone. Distraught, he realized the missing money would take a toll on the parish’s finances. Stealing from the church was akin to stealing from God, so who would dare do such a thing? He kept the situation quiet, not wanting to alarm the elders or create a bad name for the church. Instead, he covered the stolen money with his own funds and decided to investigate quietly.

During morning Masses, Frank Jerome centered his sermons on the sin of stealing, hoping to observe the reactions of his parishioners and identify the thief. Unfortunately, this approach did not work. Another Sunday passed, and by Monday morning, the offering was gone again. Desperate, Frank Jerome imposed stricter measures: the offerings would be kept in a safe, and only a select few would have access to it.

That week, other strange things began to happen. One Wednesday, Frank Jerome woke up with an injury on his big toe, despite it being perfectly fine the night before. Unable to wear shoes or sandals, he conducted Mass in palm slippers, looking haggard and unkempt. The number of parishioners attending morning Mass dropped drastically. The following Sunday, he woke up with a severe headache and blurry vision but still prepared for Mass. During the service, he suddenly had a strong urge to sleep. He dozed off while giving communion, and the host fell from his hands multiple times. The congregation began to notice his strange behavior and reported it to the elders.

After Mass, the elders confronted him. Frank Jerome finally told them about the stolen offerings and apologized for not informing them earlier. The elders suggested installing cameras to catch the thief. They bought and installed the cameras that evening.

As usual, by Monday morning, the offering was gone. That night, Frank Jerome reviewed the camera footage, expecting to catch the thief. What he saw made his blood run cold: he saw himself unlock the safe room, take the offering, and hide it under his bed. Shocked and horrified, he realized he was the thief but had no memory of stealing the money.

Frank Jerome suddenly remembered that he had been a sleepwalker in his youth. His sleepwalking had seemingly returned, causing him to unknowingly steal the offerings. This also explained his mysterious toe injury. The next day, he visited a doctor who prescribed medication to help him sleep better. He then wrote a letter to his bishop requesting leave to take care of himself. The following Sunday, he confessed the truth to his congregation, apologized, and promised to seek treatment.

The congregation, touched by his honesty, realized he was human with struggles like them. They wished him well and told him to return as soon as his leave was over. Frank Jerome’s story brought the parish closer together, reminding everyone of the importance of compassion and understanding.

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