
They Did to Me what they Did to Donald Trump, They Stole My Election, Who Is Ready To Overturn The Election For Donald Trump’s -George Santos Jan 5, Speech Resurfaced (Video)

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They Did to Me what they Did to Donald Trump, They Stole My Election, Who Is Ready To Overturn The Election For Donald Trump’s -George Santos Jan 5, Speech Resurfaced (Video)

On Jan. 5, 2021, after losing the 2020 congressional election to Suozzi, Santos addressed a crowd in Washington, D.C. at a “Stop the Steal ‘coalition pre-rally,’” the day before supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol to disrupt Congress’ certification of the 2020 election.

They were motivated by Trump’s insidious lie that a massive conspiracy had thrown the election to Joe Biden.

There, Santos untruthfully insisted that he, himself, had also been robbed of a victory, like the way they Did to Donald Trump’s

In hie words: “They did to me what they did to Donald J. Trump. They stole my election… Who here is ready to overturn the election for Donald J. Trump?”

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