
Columnist: How One Of Trump’s Executive Orders Saved His Life – “A Brand-New World For Me”

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Columnist Bill Robinson wrote an op-ed telling the story of how an executive order signed by Donald Trump saved his life.

Robinson was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease in 2017.

He began dialysis treatments and was in need of a new kidney.

In 2019, Donald Trump signed the executive order “Advancing American Kidney Health.

The executive order reformed the kidney treatment industry.

CNBC reported (July 2019):

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday designed to reform the nation’s kidney treatment industry and save the U.S. government millions of dollars, administration officials said.

The executive order will create new payment models to encourage more kidney transplants and give incentives to seek dialysis treatment at home instead of at more expensive treatment centers, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said on a call with reporters.

The administration is pushing for the development of artificial kidneys and earlier diagnosis of kidney disease. Federal health officials aim to double the number of available kidneys, including artificial, by 2030, Azar said. Under the order, the administration says it will also streamline and expedite the process of kidney matching in order to help increase transplants.

“Today, we’re taking groundbreaking action to bring new hope to millions of Americans suffering from Kidney disease,” Trump said in a speech in Washington later Wednesday morning. “In a few moments, I’ll sign an executive order taking vital steps to increase the supply of kidney available transplants.”

After leaving church on Christmas Day of 2019, Robinson received the good news – he would be getting a new kidney.

Robinson told the story to Donald Trump in a recent interview.

Newsmax reported:

During my recent interview with President Trump. I was elated, of course, to be alive which is an omnipresent emotion for me these days. The president picked up on this immediately and radiated kindness throughout.

As my interview began with President Trump, I blurted out, “I wanted to thank you for saving my life and thousands of others, President Trump.”

He was surprised that the writer he was talking to was a kidney patient himself. “Oh! Is that true? Are you somebody who had the work done?”

“President Trump,” I started emotionally, “I had been on dialysis for more than two years when you signed your order and six months later, I got the call as I was walking out of church on Christmas Day, 2019, that they had a kidney for me. I got that kidney from a new Hepatitis-C clinical trial program that was really kicked into high gear by your order.”

In the most caring way, President Trump inquired, “And how has it been?”

“Oh, it’s a brand-new world for me, Mr. President.”

What an amazing story

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