
A man Comes Back From The Dead And Tells The World About What He Saw On The Other Side- Touching Story

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what happens when we die, is one of life’s greatest Mysteries.

One man who knows more about that topic than most is Aleister Blake who went to the other side and back again, three years ago Alistar fell into cardiac arrest during his sleep technically I was dead for 90 minutes he said it had been a fairly normal day for Alistair who has a history of heart disease in his family.

He rode 45 kilometers on his bike and spent time with Melinda his wife of 35 years before he headed off to bed but at 3 10 AM Melinda woke to find Alistair having a medical episode she’s a light sleeper and woke to alistar’s gurgling, she grabbed her phone and called an ambulance and they instructed her to take him off the bed to be able to do CPR.

She performed CPR for 20 minutes then the paramedics turned up they did CPR and hit Alistar with the defib apparently it was something in excess of 10 to 12 times it didn’t look good for Alistair and the police took Melinda into another room and told her that her husband was unlikely to survive.

For 90 minutes paramedics fought to restart alistair’s heart and just win they were about to stop they miraculously found a pulse almost a week later, Alistar woke up at Frankston hospital and remarkably there were no signs of brain injury as a result his medical team nicknamed him Lazarus the man who was raised from the dead….

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