When Melanie became pregnant, everything was normal and calm, but as soon as she went into labor, she was taken to the operating room, and everything changed. She started turning blue, and the doctors pronounced her dead. But her husband, Doug, did something incredible.

Doug and Melanie were thrilled when they found out they were having a girl. They were looking forward to giving their son the little sister he had always wanted. Most nights, Doug and the little one took turns listening to the baby kick.
As the pregnancy approached 40 weeks, the excited couple did some special shopping. However, in week 39, something unexpected happened. That morning, Melanie started having a mild contraction. Since it wasn’t yet that serious, she and Doug headed to the hospital, laughing on the way.
When they got to the hospital, the doctor waited for the contractions to increase and broke her water. That’s when everything changed, but for the worse. Melanie started feeling dizzy, complaining of feeling weak and nauseous. Nothing seemed to indicate anything was wrong. Then they realized how wrong they were. Right in front of them, Melanie closed her eyes and……Read Full Story Here…………..