Zeno was excited to start his first day at the air traffic control station, but no one could have prepared him for what was about to happen today during his shift. A plane deviates from its flight path and flies erratically, causing many dangerous situations. The events of that day will leave a lasting impact on all those involved.

Zeno couldn’t handle just watching without being able to help, so he looked at the route the aircraft had flown one more time. But why was the plane flying like that? What did Zeno realize, and will they get everyone to safety? Zeno arrived at the air traffic control station eager to start his first day on the job. The veteran staff welcomed him and showed him the ropes, introducing him to the equipment he would use to monitor the skies.
At first, everything seemed to be going smoothly. Planes took off and landed without incident, everyone was going on the right course, and Zeno could keep up with the pace of the busy airport.One of the planes on Zeno’s radar began to……..Read Full Story Here………..