
Brother Beheaded his Teenage Sister for trying to Marry Against the family’s wishes in India, before Carrying her severed head towards a police station in a sack

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Aashifa, an 18-year-old woman who lived in Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, had eloped with her partner Chand Babu. They were both from the same village of Mithwara

However, her 22-year-old brother Riyaz disliked the match and murdered her in a horrific ‘honour killing’, before carrying her severed head in a bag.

In chilling footage, Riyaz can be seen walking towards Fatehpur police station carrying Aashifa’s head. Members of the public saw him with the blood-soaked bag and reported him to the police.

The young woman had wanted to marry a man of her choice but her father Abdul Rashid and brother Riyaz were against it.

The Economic Times says the brutal murder has sparked outrage across the country and reignited fury over the lengths men will go to, to ‘exert control’ over the women in their family

On May 29, Abdul lodged a complaint with the police against Chand Babu under a charge of abducting a woman to marry.

Aashifa’s partner was then arrested and sent to jail and she was ‘returned’ to the house her brother and father lived at.

Then, on July 20, when Aashifa made it clear to her family that she would like to marry Chand Babu, Riyaz became violent.

Barabanki additional superintendent of police Ashutosh Mishra said: ‘In a fit of rage Riyaz picked up a sharp-edged weapon and beheaded his sister before packing her head in a sack and went to police station.’

After being spotted carrying Aashifa’s remains, and what appears to be a weapon, Riyaz was reported to police. Officers then intercepted and arrested him. He was sent to jail.

Local media says an autopsy was carried out following Aashifa’s murder and gathered evidence from the scene

A journalist at Indian publication Swarajya described the murder as ‘another gruesome honour killing’ and tweeted the video, with the caption: ‘What this man is carrying in his hand is not a bag but chopped head of his sister.

‘Riyaz was angry at her for eloping with her boyfriend (same religion, same caste). So Riyaz beheaded her.’

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