

Geraldo Rivera Embarrasses Himself On Live TV – Has No Clue What The “AR” In AR-15 Stands For

Gun grabbers know nothing about the guns they are trying to take from law-abiding Americans.During a segment on Fox News, Geraldo Rivera said that AR-15s have no place in American society. When asked what “AR” stood for, Geraldo said “Automatic Rifle.”Nope – the actual meaning of “AR” is ArmaLite rifle....

Project Veritas’ Latest on Teaching Lab: ‘Evil Salesman’ Dr. Quintin Bostic Claims His Employer is ‘Running a Non-Profit But It’s For Profit’ (VIDEO)

Project Veritas on Tuesday released undercover video of an “evil salesman” admitting to violating Georgia state law and selling Critical Race Theory (CRT) curriculum to schools.Dr. Quintin Bostic, Content Manager at The Teaching Lab, told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that he sells CRT curriculum to schools because the Georgia...

IT WAS ALL A LIE: CNN Political Hack Finally Admits the US Has Been Vastly Overcounting COVID Deaths and Hospitalizations (Video)

Dr. Leana Wen penned an op-ed in The Washington Post today where she argues the US has been vastly overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations.Dr. Leana Wen also went on CNN and admitted that the US government has been vastly overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations Robert Kennedy, Jr. later posted...
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