A grieving daughter puts a phone in her mother’s coffin. The next day, she got the biggest shock of her life.
8-year-old Annie sat on her bed, clutching her favorite teddy bear tightly to her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grieved for her mother, Sarah. Her death had been all too sudden. She was just making dinner one evening when Annie had turned around to find her mother on the floor, unconscious.

She had immediately called 911, as they taught her in school, and the paramedics had come to take her mother away. The three days that followed had been arduous and emotional. Sarah was put in a medically induced coma to save her brain from any further damage. But one day, her heart just stopped, and she was pronounced dead.
The doctors explained that this was common with this type of medical condition. Her heart had struggled under the duress of the event.This was extremely traumatic for Annie. She had gone from having a healthy mother to one that was no longer around. This was a lot for an 8-year-old to digest. While crying away in her room, Annie’s father, James, entered. His eyes were…….Read Full Story Here…………………