
Dirty RINO Speaker Robin Vos Pulls Resolution to Prohibit Private Resources to Run Elections in Wisconsin

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Madison – In an unexplainable and openly defiant last-second move affecting all Wisconsin voters, Wisconsin Assembly Republican Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) has left the State of Wisconsin in the lurch with his brazen and brash move to secretly pull Assembly Joint Resolution 134 (AJR 134) from this Legislative Floor Session scheduled to end tomorrow.

AJR 134 specifically prohibits any private entities from administering local elections in the State of Wisconsin as was so brazenly abused in the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin supposedly decided by 20,682 votes

AJR 134 would specifically create Section 7, of Article III, of the Constitution to: “Prohibit state and local governments from using private resources in connection with the conduct of elections and specifying who may perform tasks related to the conduct of an election.”
AJR 134, in order to amend the Constitution of Wisconsin, has to pass two consecutive Legislative Sessions, be placed on the ballot for voter consideration and if approved by voters, would then become a part of the Constitution of Wisconsin to immediately be implemented for the administration of elections in Wisconsin

AJR 134 was passed by both Houses (Assembly/Senate) a year ago during the 2021-22 Session.
The Governor cannot veto AJR 134 and does not have any power over the voters’ approval of the constitutional amendment

If the Assembly passes AJR 134 in this January Legislative Floor Session before adjournment, the constitutional amendment consideration would immediately be placed on the April 2023 ballot during the statewide supreme court race.
AJR 134 has to be passed again by both Houses (Senate/Assembly) in Wisconsin in order to be placed on the April 2023 ballot

Putting the constitutional amendment prohibiting private entities from conducting elections in Wisconsin on the April 2023 ballot is critical in light of the much-discussed Zuckerberg $419 million dollar funding and operation of elections across America in 2020 that violated many Wisconsin State Election Laws.
Specifically in Wisconsin, the Zuckerberg WI-5 (Green Bay, Madison, Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee) were critically highlighted in Justice Gableman’s Election Fraud Report of March 1, 2022, that cites verse and chapter of how state election laws were broken in the state’s most populated communities in 2020 that received some $8.8 million to run their elections.

Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) publicly stated that he strongly supported a constitutional amendment prohibiting private resources from being comingled with the administration of local elections in Wisconsin during the height of the Gableman Investigation, Legislative Audit Bureau Review of Elections and the exposure of the WI-5 signing agreements with Zuckerberg to conduct their elections as prescribed by Zuckerberg’s non-profit group CTCL .

The City of Madison and Milwaukee continue to seek and accept private funding for the administration of their elections.

As a matter of fact, the City of Madison is voting at their Common Council Meeting tonight (Item 51, Page 20 – Agenda (cityofmadison.com) to accept over $1.5 million from Zuckerberg-affiliated and funded non-profits to help administer their elections in 2023 and 2024. You can’t make this stuff up.

College campuses across America and Wisconsin continue to partner with Zuckerberg-type non-profit organizations under the guise of “accessibility” to polling places for the administration of elections.

Wisconsin voters can and must immediately contact Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) to strongly encourage him to exercise his statutory authority to immediately reimplement the consideration of AJR 134 during this Legislative Session before adjournment as follows:

  • Speaker Vos phone – 608-266-3387
  • Speaker Vos email – [email protected]
  • Visit Speaker Vos in-person at State Capitol – Room 217 West

Wisconsin voters can also immediately ask their Assemblyman and Senator to ask Speaker Vos to immediately reimplement the consideration of AJR 134 during this Legislative Session before adjournment, so that they are on record for passing AJR 134 allowing the constitutional amendment to prohibit private resources from administering elections to be placed on the April 2023 ballot:

The collective efforts of election integrity supporters to make sure the prohibition of private resources amendment on the April 2023 ballot is desperately needed if there is any hope of taking incremental steps of restoring election integrity for all Wisconsin voters.

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