During The Burial, They Heard Cries And Quickly Opened The Coffin, Then Something Terrifying Happened

During the funeral, all hope was lost, but then suddenly, cries were heard from the little baby’s coffin. Startled, they rushed to open the coffin, only to find something absolutely horrifying. Dalia Thompson was rushed to the hospital as quickly as her husband could.

She had gone into labor while in the bath, and everything seemed to be progressing a little too fast. She wasn’t feeling great at all as she kept vomiting in the little bag she had with her. Something wasn’t right; she could just feel it.
They weaved through traffic while they raced to the hospital. As they pulled into the emergency parking, Dalia felt a bit dizzy. Just as her husband helped her out of the car, all she could remember was taking the first step, which was swiftly followed by everything going completely black. Patrick Thompson saw his wife collapse before his very eyes. He was horrified, screaming for help as he desperately tried to get her off the ground. Her body began to……..Read Full Story Here………..