Dying Lioness Had No Hope of Survival, But Suddenly She Heard a Voice that Changed Her Life

Sheilia the lion is a gorgeous lioness who has spent the majority of her life as a show animal. She was forced to perform at private parties, and her health started to quickly deteriorate after years of working as a performance animal. In addition to this, her caretaker couldn’t afford to get her proper veterinary care.

Sheilia was one of the lionesses rescued by the Department of Agriculture in July 2009. Many of the lions from that year were in poor shape; however, her condition was especially dire. Sheilia was the property of her caretaker, who was incredibly cruel to all of the lions that she owned, not just Sheilia. Despite all the money that Sheilia was making for the caretaker, he didn’t bother providing any veterinary aid when she started…..Read Full Story Here………