Dying Man Says Final Goodbye To His Dog. But The Dog’s Reaction Will Leave You In Tears!

After a tragic accident ripped away his family, Ryan took in a stray dog. Years later, the dog’s reaction when she sees her owner in the hospital bed, dying, will leave you in tears.
Thirty-three-year-old Californian landscaper Ryan was lying in the hospital bed in a coma. The doctors explained that there was nothing more that could be done. After months of waiting for a miracle, his family finally decided to turn the life support machine off.
They gathered around him, saying their last goodbyes, when they realized something very important was missing: Ryan’s dog and constant companion, Molly. From the moment Ryan took her in, the pair had been inseparable. She turned Ryan’s miserable life around, and he had even started smiling again.
Usually, dogs were not allowed inside the hospital, but an exception was given to Molly since she was Ryan’s only companion. Everyone tensed up; they expected her to jump towards Ryan’s body as she had always done before. This time, however, she was reserved. Seeing Ryan lying listlessly, she could sense that something was terribly wrong. What the sweet dog does next will leave you in tears.
The 5th of March had been the worst day of Ryan’s life. It was a cold Friday evening. The sky was blue, and the clouds were dense and dark, signifying an impending downpour. Ryan Jessen and his family were scheduled to attend an event, and despite the dull weather, they got ready. No sooner had they dressed up than a call came in for Ryan.
There was an emergency at work, and his boss needed him to go in immediately. Although it was his day off, the task at hand required his special attention. He worked as a private clinic assistant, and when he learned that Alice needed him, he couldn’t object. She was a hospice care patient who only responded to him.
Ryan sighed and explained this to his wife. The event was highly anticipated by his kids and his wife, so the dejection written all over their faces broke Ryan’s heart. Touched by their sadness, Ryan suggested they go ahead without him.
They volunteered to wait until he was done, but Ryan refused to take away from their fun. What he didn’t tell them was that the urgent call from the private clinic indicated that Alice was near the end. He knew it wouldn’t be a matter that could be resolved quickly. He would miss the whole event. Rather than ruin everyone’s night, Ryan sent them out the door, telling his wife and children to enjoy the party. He changed his suit, bid his family goodbye, and headed for work.
Three hours later, Ryan sighed heavily as he closed Alice’s file. He hoped that they had made her last days as peaceful as possible. Clearing up his desk, he looked forward to going home to his family after an emotional evening. But then he received a call that changed his life completely.
As the voice on the other end of the call droned on, Ryan lost all color in his face. The phone dropped from his hand, and he collapsed instantly. When he regained consciousness, he was on the hospital bed. He stared around for a moment, confused, until the details of the phone call came flooding back. He remembered the voice telling him his wife and kids had lost their lives in a car accident on their way back from the party.
The whole scenario replayed in his head, and he cried bitterly. During the weeks that passed, Ryan learned all about the accident. It turned out a truck driver lost control of his vehicle and ran into his wife’s car. He blamed himself for allowing them to attend the party at all.
None of this would have happened if he had just told them not to go. His whole world was left gloomy, and he felt very worthless. He was certain that there was no way he could get his life back in shape after everything he’d been through. His family had been his world, and he’d invested so much into building them all a great future, only for it to come crashing down right before his eyes on a single day. He felt so empty and horrible.
This tragic event shook Ryan to his very core. He resigned from work to further mourn his family. Drowning in guilt and sorrow, Ryan contemplated suicide. He worked up the courage to escape his guilt, but his plan was foiled by the swift action of his neighbors, who rescued him. Realizing how badly he was drowning, his neighbors encouraged him to seek therapy before things got even worse. Realizing that he sincerely needed help, Ryan sought therapy. This just barely kept him going. He could not continue to live like this and thought of a way out of his depression and misery.
Unable to return to his previous job, Ryan managed to secure a job as a landscaper, which really aided his recovery. He loved the creativity and freedom that his work afforded him. He decided to try to move on with his life by making new friends at work.
However, despite the progress he was making to put his life back on track, the past memories of his family still haunted him. Some days, he got so depressed he could do nothing but cry bitterly and keep to himself. On one such day, he had barely started work that morning when he became extremely downcast and remorseful. His manager, who was a meticulous leader, noticed his teary eyes and immediately sensed what could be wrong. He encouraged Ryan to take the rest of the week off to rest at home and recover from his grief.
The downcast man slunk out of the office, already feeling weak and dizzy. Ryan decided to take a shortcut, hurrying to be alone with his grief. But on his way home, something unexpected happened. As he trod the lonely road, he spotted a figure some meters away from him.
Due to his teary eyes, he could not place the figure, but as he drew nearer, he realized it was a puppy. She looked lost and dirty. Her smooth white fur had become rough and stained with sand, and she looked rather helpless. Ryan sensed that the puppy must have been abandoned, and despite his own misery, he felt pity for it. Although he knew he probably shouldn’t, he stopped to grab it.
With the little strength he had left, Ryan walked the dog to his home, washed its body, gave it some food, and made a cozy bed for it to sleep in. The next day, he took the puppy out to find her owner, but Ryan’s efforts to find the owner were fruitless.
He asked around, but nobody could claim ownership of the puppy. He walked along the path where he found the puppy and kept an eye out for missing dog posters, but he saw nothing. He hoped its owners would come looking for it along that way, but nothing happened. Frustrated, Ryan decided to keep the puppy for himself. Since he was living alone, he felt the puppy’s presence as a companion could at least help him recover from his grief.
When he got home, he thought of a special name for the puppy, and after much thought, he named her after his late wife, Molly. For the next six years, Ryan took good care of Molly. He was very kind and caring to her, and they grew fond of each other in no time. Ryan and Molly played games together, ate together, and even slept in the same room.
They formed a very strong bond and became best friends, barely ever separated. Soon, Ryan started taking Molly to work. He had told them all about her, and everyone wanted to take a look at the joyful puppy that finally put a smile on Ryan’s face. Everyone liked Molly and wanted to play with her. Her vivacious nature made her fun to be around. They pampered her with many snacks and ensured that she was comfortable. Molly became a regular guest at Ryan’s workplace, much to the delight of the puppy and the staff.
Ryan and Molly valued their time together. In the evenings, they often strolled down the street, and Molly often accompanied Ryan in the fields on weekends to watch his landscaping. After playing and jumping around, they would retire under a shady tree to relax and admire nature.
Ryan would cuddle Molly sweetly in his arms, and they would soak in nature’s beauty and magnificence. They would watch the birds flit from branch to branch as their sound filled the cool air, and the leaves rustled softly in the breeze. Ryan would softly rub Molly’s body, feeling warmth and comfort. After this, they would go home happily to prepare for another time of adventure.
This lovely routine went on until a fateful day when Molly fell seriously ill and became very passive and moody. She could not do anything, which made Ryan very worried. Quickly, he called in a vet doctor, who diagnosed Molly with kennel cough.
She was given antibiotics and cough depressants, and for the next two weeks, Molly underwent thorough treatment. Throughout her recovery, Ryan stood by her and made sure she had everything she needed. He did not care if he had to skip work because Molly was his only companion, and he had to protect her at all costs. He prayed that she would be okay—he needed his best friend. Thankfully, Molly fully recovered, so they continued their adventures.
They visited the homes of Ryan’s friends together and made several amazing memories. One of Ryan’s friends, who also owned a dog, welcomed them. His dog was calm and friendly, and Molly got along very well with him. Molly was particularly excited to explore an entirely new environment. She wiggled her tail happily and jumped around. Ryan was happy and looked forward to their next visit. Little did he know this would be their last adventure together.
The day after the visit, Ryan woke up to prepare for work and felt a migraine. It was rather disturbing because he had never experienced this before. However, he thought it was probably because of the previous day’s stress and called in sick at work so he could recover. Unfortunately, the migraine
grew worse, and suddenly Ryan ended up catching himself before he collided with the floor. He had no choice but to visit the hospital. After conducting several tests, the doctors discovered that Ryan was suffering from a ventricular brain hemorrhage. The condition needed to be treated urgently.
The doctors sprang into action to save his life. The doctors tried their best, but despite their efforts, Ryan fell into a coma. His parents and siblings were called, and they were devastated. With a heavy heart, the doctor explained to his family that, considering his condition, things didn’t look good.
They also speculated that the medical condition might have been caused by Ryan’s high blood pressure, resulting from his love for energy drinks. He remained in a coma for quite some time, while his family members stood by his side. They took turns visiting him every day, hoping that he would open his eyes one day and speak to them. His mother particularly refused to go home at all. She and her son never got along, and she felt really bad about it. She, however, wanted to be there for him, as she felt it was a way to rekindle the love and bond between them.
By the time Ryan spent three months on life support in the hospital, his family had spent so much on his treatment that they were beginning to run into debt. Still, there was no change in his situation. It just seemed as though the treatments had no effect on him. With a heavy heart, the doctor spoke the truth about Ryan’s condition.
The longer Ryan remained in the coma, the lower his chances of waking. As time passed and resources dwindled, the chances of surviving reduced. The family began to consider the worst option possible. Only a miracle could wake Ryan at that point, and they didn’t believe in miracles. The situation was gradually getting out of control and leaving his family frustrated.
The doctor offered them two options: either keep spending their money and hope for a miracle to bring him back, or give consent to turn off the life support and let him die peacefully. The family was left at a crossroads. This was the most difficult decision that anyone could ever make. After losing his family, they wept at the thought of losing Ryan too. It was a bitter pill for the family to swallow.
The family sought to buy time for Ryan until the inevitable happened, one way or the other. They sought help from friends and Ryan’s colleagues at work to keep up with his treatment, but the money that they were able to gather still did not cover his medical bills, and the debt owed as a family. Then they thought of another possible solution to their predicament. Ryan’s family decided to crowdfund via the GoFundMe platform. They started out on this campaign, but it did not yield a positive outcome, as it was very difficult for them to attract donors.
During all this time, Molly was shuffled from one house to another. There were many days when she was left at home all alone. She had not seen her best friend in months, and you could tell the dog was anxious. She would whine all day and wait by the door, hoping that Ryan would come home to her. She probably feared that Ryan had abandoned her just like her previous owner had.
Back at the hospital, Ryan’s family had run out of time. After weeks of deliberations and discussions with several specialists and consultants, and unable to keep up with the incumbent debt, the family decided it was best to pull the plug. Even if he eventually opened his eyes by some miracle, he would no longer be the Ryan they knew and loved. Rather than leave him as a hollow shadow of himself, the family believed it was best to let him go peacefully.
Ryan’s father could not hold back the tears that were now dropping uncontrollably from his eyes. He rushed out of the doctor’s office in pain and went to stand by Ryan’s side at the hospital bed. He held his right hand to his face and cried ceaselessly. On the final weekend, Ryan’s family members gathered around his hospital bed to pay their last respects to him. But while this was going on, Ryan’s sister suddenly remembered Molly. How could they have forgotten to bring the devoted dog to say her goodbyes too?
When the dog arrived, everyone thought she would race over to Ryan and jump on him as she usually did. But this time, she was not her outgoing self. Seeing Ryan lying listlessly on the bed was enough to let her know that something was terribly wrong.
Molly could sense the sadness in the room as she looked at everyone in the face, one after the other. Ryan’s mother lifted Molly up, placing her close to Ryan on the bed. Molly looked at Ryan on the bed and returned her gaze to the family members. Her reaction was about to leave them all the more heartbroken. As she moaned helplessly, her face and body language pleaded for her best friend.
This emotional moment touched everyone so much that they all wept bitterly. They wished they could help the poor dog, but they could do nothing. To their surprise, Molly then laid on Ryan’s body and softly rubbed her body against his.
It was like all those wonderful times in the fields when Ryan cuddled her and rubbed her tummy. She barked loudly in distress, giving her final goodbye as the machine beeped, signifying the end of his life. So moved by this moment, Ryan’s family promised to keep and take good care of Molly, the only companion he had that had brought happiness to his life after the demise of his wife and children.