The whole congregation and everyone in town was shocked when the famous Pastor Nolan was arrested by the police. No one believed that a religious leader could have been guilty of this crime, and yet the cops revealed a dark secret he’d been hiding for a long time.

Although men of the cloth were supposed to be humble and unassuming, no one could deny that Pastor Nolan was something of a superstar preacher.
Whenever he preached the evening service, the ushers had to carry extra chairs because the church was already packed. Some people drove from other neighborhoods or even other cities to experience his unique style of preaching. One could almost say that he had the common touch, but that was not the only touch he had, because there was something else about him that drew people to his services.Pastor Nolan had a reputation for being a healer, and that struck a nerve with many people. It wasn’t a dramatic stuff like quadriplegics jumping out of their……Read Full Story Here.…………..