Former Deputy Ronald McAbee Was Attempting to Save Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – Now He Sits in Prison without Trial – PLEASE HELP THIS FAMILY (VIDEO)

New high-definition video released by the Gateway Pundit shows former Sheriff’s Deputy Ronald Colton McAbee on January 6th in never-before-seen detail that completely debunks the DOJ’s cherry-picked version of events.
As Metropolitan Police officers perpetrated despicable acts of violence against demonstrators who otherwise had no intention of causing harm on the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol, able-bodied men like McAbee—trained in law enforcement and experienced in rendering life-saving aid—rushed in to rescue those ensnared in the brutal death trap.
McAbee’s heroic efforts landed him seven major charges, crippling legal bills, and a public smear campaign led mainly by the Department of Justice, which sought to appeal his initial release orders (despite a stellar career in law enforcement and spotless record) by rushing a hearing with faulty evidence
Federal prosecutors played a cropped, muted, unstable, and highly-pixelated version of the chaotic scene, which they blamed on “technical glitches.” McAbee’s former judge then openly called him a “terrorist” and sent him back into pre-trial detention which has lasted more than a year and a half.
But in 4K looking in, and with audio to corroborate it, McAbee can be seen rendering emergency aid to the woman police fatally brutalized, and protecting officers from the angry reactions of the crowd
As previously reported, police at the mouth of the Lower West Terrace tunnel were spraying noxious chemicals into the enclosed tunnel space and beating the protesters trapped inside with batons and sticks. As protestors began to faint and slip on mace and vomit, police pushed them into a large pile-up that began crushing those at the bottom.
The video shows McAbee grabbing medical supplies out of a first aid kit and giving first-responder instructions to those helping Rosanne Boyland, who was among those at the bottom of the pile.
He and other good samaritans move her body and try once again to save her life by giving her chest compressions.
As more video evidence emerges of their ruthless aggression, January 6th will be remembered as the worst single incident of police brutality in America since the 1960s, and the men responding to the chaos as heroes.
The video also shows McAbee protecting officers in peril:
“You have a man down!” McAbee tells the line of officers.
“I’m ‘trying to help you,” he says to another officer.
The officer replies, “I know, I know, help me up!”
At another point, McAbee blocks the angered crowd from the line of officers with his own body and yells back to them, “No! Quit!”
Hey, thank you, man. Appreciate you,” another officer says to McAbee.
Other demonstrators at the scene have attested—on sworn affidavits for other tunnel responders—that if it were not for the men like McAbee they would likely be dead.
As the conversation around excessive police force begins to open up this week surrounding the events in Memphis, and Joe Biden rants about police “always” using deadly force (“you don’t have to do that”), Ronald McAbee sits in a solitary cell, away from his family, tortured and tormented by the events he witnessed that day. As reported by the Epoch Times, McAbee wrote a letter to Boyland’s family that read:
“Her death, her murder, haunts me. I tried to bring her back. I tried CPR but was pulled off of her. I’m sorry that I failed.”
McAbee is one of the nearly dozen men who are being held in detention for nearly two years—many of them pretrial—for trying to save Rosanne Boyland, who was murdered by a combination of suffocating gases and excessive blunt force to the head and neck by Metropolitan Police Officer Lila Morris.
McAbee has not been convicted of any crimes.
Ronald McAbee has been held for 540 days, denied bond twice, and outrageously mischaracterized by his former judge and overzealous party-line prosecutors. Please consider donating to his fundraiser, or contacting his congressional representatives to demand attention and oversight: