“He Helplessly Watched His Wife Vomit Profusely for 285+ Days”: Husband Cries After Seeing Wife Smile for the First Time in 10 Months

While Kirstie Perez may be an experienced birth photographer, one delivery earlier this month took her by total surprise. Perez makes a living capturing the most gorgeous imagery of mamas bringing babies into the world and the look on dads’ faces when they see their newborn for the first time.
But when she learned the backstory of why this particular father was crying when he looked down at his newborn and wife, Perez couldn’t help but share it with the world.
In a Facebook post that has now gone viral, she details the heartbreakingly beautiful chain of events:
“He helplessly watched his wife vomit profusely for 285+ days.”

“He witnessed her lose 30 pounds in pregnancy not being able to nourish herself due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum & preeclampsia.”
“She was hospitalized 4 times for dehydration throughout her pregnancy.“
“Ate more dinners on the front steps of their home than he could count because any scent literally made her ill.”
“After months of simply being there for her as much as possible, he supported her during birth.”

“I told him I captured him crying seeing his son and he said, ‘That’s not why I was crying.’
Puzzled, I asked what he meant.”

“He teared up again and said, ‘This is the first time I have seen her smile in 10 months.’”
Men, please understand how powerful your empathy can be,” wrote Kirstie in closing. “To all of the mothers who have traumatic pregnancies and still find a way to smile…thank you for sacrificing yourself and enduring to bring your precious child into the world. That is no easy feat.”