Our wedding is very close. When I say close I mean very close but I’m already thinking twice about the turn of events.
He wanted to marry me last two years when I had no job. I declined and told him I would love to do something for myself first. God being so good, I landed a job that was everything I prayed for. He came to me again asking us to get married. Again I said no, “At least, let me work and save something first.”
He didn’t like the idea. He thought I was using delay tactics so I could marry another man. I assured him of my undying love and put in a lot of effort to assuage his fears. This year, right from January he started fixing dates and telling me it was non-negotiable. I accepted whatever he said.
We met my people, did the knocking, got the list and started buying the things on the list. He took three months to get everything. I was even teasing him that he was really in a hurry to carry me home.
Then came the hour when we had to come together to plan the wedding. My man told me, “You’re going to take the cost of everything that has to do with you so I also take the cost of things that have to do with me.”
This is what he meant…
1. I’m going to buy my own gown.
2. I’m going to buy my own ring.
3. I’m going to pay for the decor.
4. I’m going to pay for the cost of food and drinks for the traditional wedding since they are coming to my house.
5. I’ll pay for the music they’ll play during the traditional wedding.
I asked, “You’re joking right? When did you cease to be the man? The future head in whose name we are getting married?”
He told me he had already spent so much getting the items on the list and a lot would also go into the wedding reception and he’s going to take all that. It’s therefore fair for me to take all the things he had listed. When I argued he told me, “But you’re working now. What are you going to do with the money you said you were saving?”
He doesn’t want to change his stand. To me, it’s a waving red flag so I want to back out of the wedding. In our last conversation, he made it very clear to me that he was the man so I had to listen to him. He knows what he’s doing and he knows the results he’s seeking to get so I should keep calm and do as he says.
That’s alright but I’m not going to do that. I would rather do what my heart tells me and follow the path my head is directing me and take a bow before it’s too late. Do you think I’m making a good decision? I have only a few weeks to decide. Please help.