“My name is Christina Baker. And by no means necessary should I be alive today. And I want to take you a little into the journey of my story, where my life began. And I came from a broken home, my parents divorced when I was seven years old, my dad was an atheist, my mom was a non-practicing Catholic, so there was no God in my home.
By the age of 14, I was going out to the bars, I was doing drugs and I was hanging out with the wrong crowd. I got into self-harm because I felt like I was dead inside and I just wanted signs that I was still alive. And by the time that I turned 15 years old, I was partying all night, drugging all night and drinking at the bars.

And I came home one night and my stepdad was standing at the top of the stairs and told me, first he told me that I wasn’t worth it, and before he almost pushed me down the steps, my mom said, he told my mom that I had, she had to decide between me and between him. My mom made a decision that night that I had to leave, and so they put me on a one-way ticket from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, where we were living to Maui, Hawaii.
I hadn’t seen my dad in ten years, so with a duffel bag with my entire life in it and an electric guitar on my back, I showed up in Maui, Hawaii, looking for my dad, not knowing if I would ….Read Full Story Here…,,..