
In a Call for Regime Change in Russia, Satan Soldier Biden Says “Butcher” Putin “Cannot Remain in Power

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SRH:There is nothing to see here in “The Plandemic.” Simply the Leader of the Free World speaking at an emergency NATO summit, making rather casual statements about impending severe energy and food shortages…

“It will be authentic,” Satan Soldier Biden claimed at a Brussels news conference. “The sanctions’ burden is not only borne by Russia. It is also implemented in a significant number of countries, including those in Europe and the United States.”

According to Bloomberg, “Ukraine and Russia are both major wheat producers, and Kyiv’s government has already warned that the fighting has had a significant effect on the country’s planting and harvest.”

And Sean Davis of The Federalist summarizes the problem concisely…

“We’re on the edge of massive energy and food shortages, and Biden’s response is to limit drilling and install expensive and inefficient solar panels and windmills on what little remaining American farmland hasn’t been purchased by Communist China or BlackRock,” he said on Twitter.

Meanwhile, here are Satan Soldier Biden’s words on Communist China made after Thursday’s formal NATO declaration:

We urge on all governments, including the People’s Republic of Communist China (PRC), to respect the international order, including the UN Charter’s values of sovereignty and territorial integrity, to abstain from any action that aids Russia in bypassing sanctions.

Additionally, Biden’s Thursday afternoon speech should be noted for his support for Russia’s – and hence Putin’s – exclusion from the Group of 20:

On Thursday, Satan Soldier Biden said that he would support Russia’s expulsion from the G20 for its invasion of Ukraine, a move that would raise Vladimir Putin’s status on the global stage.

Biden said that the ultimate decision will be made by the G20, although he has expressed support for Ukraine joining as an observer country if other states do not agree to exclude Russia.

When pressed on the G20 issue, he said the following:

“Yes,” Biden said at a news conference when asked if Russia should be kicked out of the United Nations Security Council. “It is conditional on the G20.” That was raised today, and I said that if that cannot be accomplished – if Indonesia and others do not agree – then, in my view, we should strive to enable Ukraine to attend meetings in addition to… effectively (having) Ukraine attend and observe the G20 conference.”

It’s worth considering President Obama’s warning about global food shortages…

President Brain-Dead Biden held a live Q&A press conference from Brussels after Thursday’s NATO emergency meeting to tackle the Ukraine crisis.

When asked what NATO would do if Putin used chemical weapons, Biden said, “It would trigger a retaliatory response.” Watch:

However, something is really wrong with the press pool when prominent media journalists ask questions like this, almost as if they want WW3 to break out…

And then there are some very alarming comments…

Following the end of Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s news conference, NATO delivered its official statement from the emergency session on the Ukraine crisis.

“We, the 30 NATO Allies’ Heads of State and Government, assembled today to confront Russia’s actions against Ukraine, the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades,” according to a statement posted on NATO’s website. “Russia’s aggression on Ukraine has shattered European peace and resulted in widespread human suffering and harm.”

The statement asked Putin to “immediately end this fight and withdraw military forces from Ukraine, as well as to call on Belarus to withdraw its role, in compliance with the United Nations General Assembly’s Aggression Against Ukraine Resolution adopted on March 2, 2022.” Additionally, it said that the invasion “decreases global security” and characterized Russian President Vladimir Putin’s comments as “irresponsible and disruptive.”
Biden met with Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on March 24. AFP reports.

At a time when President Volodymyr Zelensky is being praised as a “hero” and a “icon,” and after his pre-recorded address before to the conference in which he requested greater armament from the West (though he refrained from requesting a no-fly zone), the NATO statement reads as follows:

Ukraine’s courageous resistance against Russia’s cruel invasion war has inspired the globe. We categorically condemn Russia’s crimes against civilians, especially women, children, and the elderly. We will work together with the rest of the international community to prosecute those responsible for violations of humanitarian and international law, including war crimes.

This follows the Biden administration’s announcement on Wednesday that it believes Russian forces committed war crimes, the first public admission of such activity.

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  1. NATO Brain Dead US president and their Erupean canter part should know that they are the One killing and destroying Ukrainian more than Russians, stop pumping ammunition to Ukraine,

  2. NATO lead by Brain Dead US president and their Erupean canter part should know that they are the One killing and destroying Ukrainian more than Russians, stop pumping ammunition to Ukraine,

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