Cop Finds Crying Baby In Trash And Rescues Her. Years Later, He Gets The Shock Of A Lifetime

When a cop finds a crying baby girl in the trash, he doesn’t think twice about rescuing her. But soon, he realizes she’s exactly what’s been missing in his life. So, he starts the process to formally adopt her. Years later, he gets the shock of a lifetime.
The sun was just beginning to rise as Tom wearily made his way from his car to his apartment block. He had just finished his night patrol shift at the local police station and was ready to sleep. As he passed by a dumpster, he heard a strange noise. Initially, he put it down to rats or some other vermin foraging in the garbage. But then he suddenly stopped in his tracks when he heard it again. He was sure he just heard a baby crying.
He stood still and silent, waiting for the noise again. And when it came, there was no denying it was the distinct cries of a baby. Tom rushed over to the line of dumpsters, hurriedly trying to locate which one the noise was coming from. When he lifted the lid of the dumpster furthest away, he froze in shock. Laying on top of the mountain of garbage was a small baby swaddled in blankets.
Tom quickly lifted the baby out of the trash and held her close. He guessed by the pink blankets and flowery sleepsuit that the baby was a little girl. He cuddled her and soothed her for a few minutes until she stopped crying. Tom then carefully placed her on the ground and gently unwrapped the blankets, looking for any signs of injury.
As he checked her over, the little girl’s hands kept reaching out for him, and a small smile came across her face. Satisfied that he couldn’t see any injuries, he wrapped the baby back up and decided to take her to the hospital just to be on the safe side.
At the hospital, the nurses confirmed that the little girl was healthy. But as there was no parent or legal guardian present, they had to inform the authorities, who would likely place the baby in an orphanage if they couldn’t find who the little girl belonged to.
Tom looked at the little girl he just rescued from the trash and couldn’t bear the thought of her being brought up in the care system. There was something about the child that had completely captured his heart, and he knew exactly what he wanted to do.
When the social worker arrived at the hospital, he informed her that he wished to adopt the little girl. The social worker was shocked. It was a very unusual situation that she had no experience with. But she told Tom that if he passed all the checks and the baby’s parents couldn’t be found, then the baby could stay with him under a foster basis while the official adopt process got underway.
Tom was delighted by the news and wasted no time in getting the process going. Due to the fact that he was a police officer, the checks went through without any issues. Tom had always been a model citizen and a great cop, and there was nothing on his record that would stop him from being the baby’s foster carer.
With that all in place, the tough and lengthy adoption process could begin. But Tom was willing to do whatever it took to officially adopt the little girl. With the baby in his care, he decided to name her Edie in honor of his grandmother, who he had been close with but who had sadly passed away just a year ago.
While it might seem like Tom was the one who had rescued Edie, the truth was the little girl had rescued him too. Tom had had a tough few years. He’d been engaged to the love of his life, Sophie, and was just two weeks away from getting married when he saw her kissing another man. When he had confronted her, she admitted to multiple affairs, and Tom broke things off there and then.
But Sophie was the only woman he’d ever loved, and when she disappeared and left him in their home after the breakup, he couldn’t cope with all the constant reminders of the life he’d shared with her. So, he requested a transfer at work, and that was how he’d found himself in a new city, adjusting to a whole new life.
It had been tough. He’d moved away from friends and family and was still getting used to his new work colleagues. He felt lonely and depressed recently. But now, he had Edie to care for. He felt like he had a purpose again. Even though the adoption process was tough, knowing he would have Edie as his daughter at the end of it made it all worthwhile.
The hospital had estimated that the little girl was around 8 months old. But with no way of knowing exactly when her birthday was, Tom decided to mark the day he’d rescued her as her birthday.
Months later, Tom was finally approved to officially adopt Edie. The new dad was overjoyed, and he felt like he could really start his new life with his daughter. Being a single dad and working as a wasn’t the easiest thing ever. But to his surprise, his new colleagues gathered around to help. They recommended the best daycare, and his boss even agreed to not give him any night shifts while he adjusted to his new life.
Watching Edie grow up was the best thing Tom had ever witnessed. He loved his little girl just as much as if she was biologically his. They were father and daughter, no matter what. The first time she called him daddy, Tom felt sure he would never feel happier.
He gave her the best life he possibly could. He prepped her for school, making sure her reading and writing were the best they could be. He took her on the most amazing day trips and was saving for their first holiday. At times, Tom felt guilty that Edie didn’t have a mother. But he had no desire to date after what had happened with Sophie. All his time was taken up raising his little girl.
When the time was right, he would explain everything to her. But for now, all she needed to know was that it was her and him against the world. Years went by, and Tom watched as Edie started school, made friends, developed hobbies and interests, and became the best daughter he could have ever hoped for.
But just before her 10th birthday, tragedy struck. Edie and her classmates were on a trip when the bus they were on got hit by a truck. The impact was so severe that everyone on board was severely injured. The truck had hit the bus head-on, and Edie had been sitting right at the front. So, the little girl bore the brunt of the impact.
When the emergency workers finally got to her, she was unconscious. Things were about to get even worse though. At the hospital, Edie slipped into a coma and had to be hooked up to a life support machine.
When Tom heard about the crash and Edie’s condition, he dropped the phone in shock and broke down in tears. His boss told him to head straight to the hospital and take off as much time as was needed. Tom was shaking so much that a colleague offered to take him to the hospital, worried that he too would end up having an accident.
When Tom saw Edie lying in the hospital bed, his heart shattered. His little princess looked so small and vulnerable with all these big, loud machines around her. Tom knew there was no chance that he could leave her side until she’d made a full recovery.
The hospital agreed that Tom could have a bed in the same room as Edie
so he could always be by his daughter’s side. After dashing home to collect some belongings, he stayed by Edie all day, every day. Although he knew she was unconscious, Tom believed that some part of Edie knew her father was there. So, he spent all day talking to her, reading her favorite stories out loud, and making plans for all the things they would do when she recovered.
Quite often though, the nurses would find Tom outside of Ed’s room crying. It was clear how much she meant to him, and the nurses were touched that the caring father wanted to remain positive in front of his daughter, even if she couldn’t hear him.
Two weeks after the accident, the doctors had some terrible news for Tom. They informed him that Edie would never recover from her injuries, and the only thing keeping her alive was the life support machine. They said the kindest thing to do was to turn off the life support machine and let her pass away peacefully.
Tom wouldn’t have any of it though. He couldn’t give up on his daughter just like that. His little girl had been abandoned as a baby. She was a little fighter, and she would get through this. Tom begged and pleaded for the doctors to leave Edie on the life support machine.
“She’ll wake up, you’ll see,” the devastated father told them. The doctor took pity on the pair and decided to leave the matter alone for a little longer. The longer Edie remained unconscious, the more Tom might see that his little girl wasn’t coming back. But Tom wouldn’t give up hope.
On her 10th birthday, he wrote her a card and brought her a balloon. He told her that when she was well enough, he’d take her on a safari in Africa. The little girl was a huge animal lover and had always asked about going on a safari. He promised he would make her dream come true if she could just wake up for him.
That night, 10 years to the day that Tom had rescued Edie from the trash, he lay in the hospital room and cried himself to sleep. But hours later, he awoke to a huge commotion in the room. When one of the doctors noticed Tom sitting up in bed, he happily told him that Edie was awake.
He had to be dreaming, surely. But when Tom jumped out of bed and went to his daughter’s bedside, he saw that it wasn’t a dream. His beautiful little girl was awake. Tom swooped down and planted a huge kiss on Ed’s forehead, while tears rolled down his cheeks.
But the little girl just looked back at him, scared and confused. She had no idea who he was. He felt like he’d lost his daughter all over again. The doctors explained that Edy really needed to rest. Memory loss and confusion were perfectly normal at this stage, and they were hopeful that under their care, the little girl would soon recognize her father again.
It took almost a week before Edie said her first word. Tom was sitting in a chair, reading one of her favorite books out loud when the little girl awoke and turned to look at him.
“Daddy?” she asked in a tiny voice.
Tom enveloped Ed in his arms and hugged her so tight he never wanted to let go. His little girl was back. Another month passed by before Edie could be discharged, but there was a long way to go in her recovery. Tom dedicated all his time to caring for his daughter, taking her to appointments, and continuing her rehabilitation at home.
Almost a year after the accident, Edie was doing better than ever. And whilst the pair were eating their dinner, she turned to Tom and said, “Dad, can we go on that safari now?”
He couldn’t believe it. With everything that had gone off, he’d almost forgotten that on her 10th birthday, he’d promised his daughter a trip to Africa if she woke up. He was shocked that somehow she’d heard him.
Tom wasted no time in planning the trip of a lifetime for them both. Just a month later, they were boarding a plane, ready to embark on their African adventure. Edie was so excited, and Tom was happy beyond words to see his daughter smiling again.
Unfortunately, the trip was doomed from the moment they stepped on the plane. The father and daughter had only just stepped off the plane in Africa when they found themselves surrounded by police officers. The cops bundled Tom to the ground and slapped handcuffs on him. The little girl was screaming and crying as two female officers tried to calm her down and guide her away from the scene. Eventually, the little girl went willingly, but she was terrified and she had no idea where they’d taken her dad.
Little did the pair know that the police had been waiting for a notorious child smuggler who was believed to be on his flight with a girl smuggled from the US, and Tom matched the description of the smuggler. What no one realized though was the smuggler had contacts everywhere, and he’d heard of the plan at the very last minute. So, he had canceled his travel plans, leaving Tom as the only single male on the flight with a child.
Tom tried to explain that Edy was his daughter, even pulled out all his IDs that showed he was a cop back in the US. But the police didn’t believe him. They knew that it was easy for a top criminal to forge such documents. Tom tried to explain that they should call his boss and even gave them the phone number. He would confirm his identity and the fact that he was a police officer. But the African police weren’t interested in what they believed to be elaborate lies.
When the man kept insisting that the girl he was traveling with was his daughter, the cops came up with an idea that they were sure would settle things once and for all. They would do a DNA test. When Tom heard of the plan, panic set in. In the confusion of the situation, he hadn’t bothered explaining that Edie was adopted. Now it looked like he was making excuses.
He tried to explain that he hadn’t lied, but Edy wasn’t his biological daughter. He’d adopted her as a baby. But once again, the cops were only interested in carrying out their plan, sure that Tom was lying. They had been working on this case for months, and if Tom was proven to be the smuggler, most of the cops would be getting a promotion. So, a DNA sample was taken from Edy and Tom and sent for testing.
Edy was being taken care of in a secure location, but the poor child was sick with worry as no one would tell her what was happening. No one seemed interested in listening when she insisted that the man they’d arrested was her father. And meanwhile, Tom knew that the DNA test would come back negative, and when that happened, he would be in serious trouble. A negative DNA test, teamed with him saying Edie was his daughter, then backtracking and saying they weren’t biologically related, would mean the cops could easily pin the child smuggling case on him.
Just a few days later, the DNA test came back. And when the cops showed Tom the result, he got the shock of a lifetime. The test showed that Edy was 100% biologically Tom’s daughter. But it was impossible. He’d found her crying in the trash and rescued her, and years later, he was now being told she was biologically his child.
Realizing their huge mistake and worrying about their reputations and possible repercussions with the US, the cops phoned Tom’s boss who confirmed who he was and his job as a police officer. Tom and Edie were released immediately and reunited. They’d only been apart for 5 days, but after almost losing her once, it felt like they’d been apart for a lifetime.
Now all either of them wanted to do was go home. But Tom had only one thing on his mind throughout the whole flight back: how had the DNA test come back positive, given how they had handled the whole child smuggling case?
Tom guessed that they somehow messed up the DNA test too, but he couldn’t get it off his mind. He had to know for sure. So, the day after they landed back in the US, Tom took Ed to the hospital where he paid for his own DNA test to be carried out. Regardless of what it said, Edy was his daughter. But if this one came back positive, Tom had a lot of thinking to do.
Two days later, Tom headed back to the hospital and was handed an envelope with the results. To his surprise, the DNA test once again showed that Edy was biologically his daughter. On the drive back home, Tom processed the news. Sophie was the only woman he’d been intimate with in the last 12 years. Unlike her, he’d been faithful.
There was only one explanation. When Tom had left her, Sophie must have been in the very early stages of pregnancy. He’d always had a sneaking suspicion that Sophie had still kept tabs on him, but he had no desire to go back to her and have his heart broken again. She must have taken a guess that the baby was his and tracked him down, leaving the little girl in the trash for him to find.
That afternoon when Edie returned home from school, Tom held onto his daughter. She was his flesh and blood, and against all odds, they’d been brought together. Edie returned the hug but believed her father was just being overprotective. After everything that had happened recently, Tom had never told her that he’d adopted her. And now, there was even more to the story. He’d been waiting until she was a little older, but now Tom felt it was time to tell his little princess the real story of her life.
Now, it’s over to you. How do you think Edie will have reacted to the news? Do you think Tom did the right thing waiting to tell her she was adopted? We’d love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment below.