Little Girl Hugged Her Dead Father in His Coffin, Then Something Happened That Made People Scream!

Kofi and his daughter Abiba shared an incredible bond. Unfortunately, Kofi passed away when his daughter was only five years old. During his funeral, Abiba decided to give her father one last hug. What happened next made people scream.

Kofi was born into an impoverished family in Ethiopia, and his parents had a dream of breaking free from the cycle of generational poverty. Unfortunately, they passed away before their dreams could come true. Determined to make something different for himself, Kofi sought out ways to create a better future. Unfortunately, despite years of hard work, he was yet to realize his dreams. To make ends meet, he worked on construction sites before turning to selling injera and dorawat by the roadside. He also sometimes took up night shifts at factories to make money to keep his food business running smoothly. After his night shift, he would go straight to his…….Read Full Story Here……………………………