Melanie was pregnant with her second daughter and couldn’t wait any longer to see her. She and her husband were delighted to have a new family member and a baby sister for their son Brady. The pregnancy was going well, but it was not until week 39 that the signs of labor began to appear.

Melanie had done her best to find a gynecologist and a hospital that had the same pro-life point of view as her. Sometimes decisions in a medical situation must be made in a split second, and Melanie wanted to make sure that her son’s life weighed the same or even more than her own life. She was so convinced about it that she took 25 minutes out of the way to see a trusted gynecologist.
All signs pointed to an uneventful delivery, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But then disaster struck when Melanie was in the hospital bed about to give birth. Right after her water broke, she started to feel….Read Full Story Here……….