
New Footage Shows Extreme Overcrowding at the Border Patrol Central Processing Center in El Paso, TX

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The invasion at the southern border has reached numbers we have never seen before. It has gotten so overwhelming, and bizarre, that illegal aliens are popping up out of sewers in El Paso, Texas.

FOX News reporter Bill Melugin is covering the catastrophe at the border. The rest of the mainstream media is largely ignoring this man-made catastrophe.

On Monday, Melugin posted a video of a huge migrant caravan of over 1,000 people crossing illegally into El Paso, TX. Many illegal aliens have been released onto the streets of El Paso after being detained by Border Patrol, which the city estimates is currently over 5,000 strong.

On Sunday, Bill Melugin was able to obtain an exclusive video from Republican Representative Tony Gonzales of Texas’s 23rd District.

The footage revealed an ‘extreme overcrowding’ at the Border Patrol Central Processing Center in El Paso, Texas, despite releasing thousands before.

“Congressman Gonzales says he took the video on Friday, when 4,600 migrants were in federal custody. Capacity is only 1,040,” said Melugin

It can be recalled on Saturday, El Paso Mayor issued a state of emergency.

“The mayor of El Paso declared a state of emergency Saturday ahead of Wednesday’s deadline to lift a COVID-era policy that is expected to result in more than 6,000 migrants crossing the border a day into an already overwhelmed city where hundreds are already sleeping on the streets,” New York Post reported.

Texas Governor Abbott also announced that Texas will resume construction of border wall initiated by former President Trump after reaching deals with private land owners.

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