Newborn Baby Suddenly Started Crying. What The Family Dog Did Next Will Leave You in Shock

A fully grown Boxer dog jumps up against a newborn’s crib, snarling and growling. It seems as if she is hellbent on harming the child. But when the situation unfolds, a terrifying secret is revealed, one that has life or death consequences.

John and Danielle Livik woke up at the same time. Their dog, Bella, was jumping up against their newborn’s cot, barking and howling at the top of her lungs. The baby was screaming blue murder. Jeff’s first thought was that the stress had finally gotten to Bella. They had spent so much time preparing her for the infant’s arrival, but it seemed that she had developed a severe bout of jealousy and was now acting out on it.
Bella was a fully grown Boxer dog. In between them, Jeff and Danielle had spent many hours researching the best breed of dog to have around children. They were preparing to have a family and wanted a dog that would grow up with kids and hopefully become their best friend. Yet here Bella was, growling, barking, and even snarling at the newborn while jumping up against the infant’s cot.Bella had become a part of Jeff and Danielle’s family two years before. Once they decided on a……..Read Full Story Here,………