Poor Old Man Never Lets Anyone into His House, Neighbor Steps inside after His Death And Discovered The Unexpected

Mr. Karl Lowe had a bad reputation in his neighborhood after years of being a loner. But when he died, Corey stepped into his house and discovered what no one ever imagined.
Corey grew up in Aurora, Colorado, but he moved to a different neighborhood after receiving his real estate certification. It was a beautiful suburban area with many great people. There was only one caveat, Mr. Karl Lowe and his house.

Mr. Lowe was an older man who never talked to anyone and barely left his home to get groceries. People didn’t know what to think of him, and rumors started circulating among the kids.
Corey’s other neighbor, Mrs. Davies, liked to gossip about Mr. Lowe. “You know the kids say that he’s a former inmate and doesn’t like talking to people. Some people say he murdered someone. I just wish he would fix that house,” she told Corey secretly when she caught him watering the garden
“A former inmate couldn’t have bought a house in this neighborhood, Mrs. Davies. Even if the house is in such bad shape, the land is still valuable,” Corey argued, focused on his plants.
“Oh, darling. That man has been here longer than my family. I think he bought the lot during the market crash years ago. Anyway, he has never invited anyone inside or talked to any of us since I’ve been here. Did you know he scared the mailman off?” the older woman asked.
“He doesn’t bother anyone. He’s just a loner. It’s not a big deal. I hope the kids don’t disturb him,” Corey said, uninterested in gossip. Mrs. Davies hummed in agreement and went back to her house. Days later, Corey ran into Mr. Lowe at the grocery store and wanted to greet him, but…Read Full Story Here…,…