
Russia Announces Use of Nuclear Weapons

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Recently, four East Ukrainian states held referendums to annex the Russian side, and the former Russian president announced that Russia would use nuclear weapons to defend its homeland. This move caused an instant uproar in the West. To this day, Western countries are protesting Russia’s move, and Germany even has the idea of expanding its military preparedness to “preserve the stability of all of Europe.

However, Russia’s announcement to defend its homeland with nuclear weapons also puts its intercontinental missile forces in extreme danger. This is because the U.S. Air Force is currently capable of stifling Russia’s strategic rocket forces. As early as a few years ago, the U.S. made public its F35 capability to strike enemy ballistic missiles.

The F35 is now equipped with very advanced infrared sensors that can detect the infrared signal released by a missile launch and infer the missile’s type and launch trajectory through the infrared signal, with the ability to track and intercept enemy cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. If a ballistic missile is in boosted flight, the F35 can easily intercept it.

Who is the U.S. targeting with this move? The answer is self-explanatory, earlier, the situation in Ukraine has become increasingly tense, the United States in advance the F35 anti-missile this combat plan, with the purpose is to target the Russian strategic rocket forces of several models of intercontinental missiles, such as mobile launch Ears ICBM and Poplar M ICBM, fixed launch SSH Satan ICBM and Sal mat ICBM. Since the overall operational performance of Russian ICBMs exceeds that of the United States, it is unlikely that the United States will be able to contain Russian ICBMs through the Minuteman 3. Without triggering a global nuclear war, the U.S. chose to use F35 fighter jets to destroy Russian ICBMs to suppress the Russian nuclear deterrence capability, or even to make the Russian military lose its nuclear deterrence capability, which the U.S. military did is indeed very Target.

And, the United States to engage in fighter aircraft to intercept missile research has a long history. During Star Wars, faced with the serious threat of the Soviet SSH ICBMs and the Soviet Union’s superiority in the number of ICBMs, the idea of using space-based kinetic and directed energy weapons to destroy Soviet ICBMs in space, or even using directed energy weapons to launch laser beams to destroy Soviet ICBMs on the ground, was brainstormed. This idea was highly science fiction at the time, but showed that the United States had already begun research related to combat forces against enemy ICBMs.

After the 1990s, the United States continued to develop anti-missile technology. Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union after the Cold War, the U.S. did not see the need to develop brain-dead space anti-missile technology like Star Wars, but the U.S. Air Force, faced with the deterrence of Russian ICBMs, also targeted the development of fighter interceptor missile technology based on existing equipment and technology. In the early days, the Americans envisioned installing laser devices on large passenger aircraft to destroy enemy satellites and ballistic missiles. The United States even did scientific experiments related to destroying enemy satellites with F15 fighter jets, which showed that F15 fighter jets also could intercept enemy mid-flight ICBMs.

With the advancement of U.S. Air Force technology and the increasing strength of Russian ICBMs, the United States has continued to improve anti-missile technology. The U.S. Air Force came up with the idea of using the F35 to intercept a freshly launched intercontinental missile. And in 2019, this Missile Defense Assessment report from the U.S. would seem to indicate that the U.S. has made ICBMs a priority weapon in its campaign against the Russian military.

In a future U.S.-Russian conflict, the U.S. would put the F35 into anti-missile operations against Russian forces. Russian ICBM forces face a significant threat.

At present, the U.S. has not yet disclosed the technical details of the F35’s interception of boost-segment ballistic missiles. However, this does not affect our ability to make reasonable speculations about U.S. operational tactics for intercepting ICBMs. To intercept ICBMs and ballistic missiles such as Russia’s Islander, the United States would have to add interceptor warheads with strong infrared tracking systems.

Due to the flight speed of the interceptor warhead having a limit, the F35 can only choose to intercept head-and n, and can not chase the ICBM interception. f35 has the advantage of stealth, long stall, and, can thoroughly air refueling after multiple F35 shift duties, in the United States satellite system guidance to destroy the Russian intercontinental missile.

Because the F35 has stealth, the F35 can choose to directly traverse the interception of enemy air defense missile systems, using own its elector-optical distributed synthetic aperture radar and infrared system to track enemy missiles. Once the enemy ICBM is launched, the F35 will be able to use the parameters obtained from its synthetic aperture radar to simulate the trajectory of the ballistic missile flight and synthesize a 3 D model of the missile flight in the shortest possible time, measure the individual parameters of the missile flight, and subsequently launch an air-to-air missile to destroy the enemy’s ICBM


Once the F35 is put into use, then the U.S. will construct a three-dimensional anti-missile barrier of Aegis at sea, SAD on land and F35, which really, raises a lot of difficulty for the use of Russian ICBMs. Since the U.S. intercontinental missiles are updated more slowly than the Russian army, the U.S. will use the stealth advantage and radar advantage of the F35 to intercept Russian intercontinental missiles, and even not rule out the ability to destroy Russian missile launchers (silos) with missiles fired from B 2 stealth bombers, which is a huge threat to Russian intercontinental missiles.

In this case, after the former Russian president announced the use of nuclear weapons to defend the homeland, the first reaction of the U.S. side is likely to be the deployment of F35 fighter jets in Europe and the use of satellites to monitor every move of the Russian strategic rocket forces 24 hours a day. Once any “anomalies” are found in the Russian strategic rocket forces and the Russian Army missile forces, the U.S. military cannot rule out the possibility of per-emotive action to destroy Russian ICBMs and Islander ballistic missiles with the launch of AIMEE air-to-air missiles guided by satellites, thus depriving the Russian military of its nuclear deterrence capability.

Since the United States can destroy Russian missiles with the F35, will the air forces of European NATO countries destroy Russian missiles with Typhoons and Raffles? The answer is yes.

This is where the strategic rocket force deterrence capability lies. Nowadays, the United States has to adopt new tactics to weaken Russia’s intercontinental missile launch capability and ballistic missile strike capability.

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  1. All this analysis I just a fallacy ,the social media we all know that you are just convening fake and on realistic statistics information of your believe that USA can do what we all possible ,by the time Russia is push to the point ware he will use the weapon against Ukraine and the damage is done, you people will still be the criticizing and blaming them for using it.

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