Some children don’t have both their parents and as a result can sometimes feel left out. However, this single dad wanted to ensure his children never had to face this…
Chatchai “Sam” Panuthai is a single dad to two sons. As a single father, he has to juggle a lot of responsibilities that come with taking care of children. He has to do it all for them!

Sam is a Thai father based in Kanchanaburi, a place in Thailand. He and his wife divorced, after which she moved to Europe. This left Sam solely in charge of his two sons, Imsome and Ozone. He is essentially both parents to the two boys.
Thailand’s National Mother’s Day is on 12th August. And to commemorate that day, his son’s school had a special event. Sam was afraid his children might feel left out during the event considering their mother would not be there. So like any other time his children needed a mother, he stepped up.
Sam showed up to the event wearing a dress and a bow in his hair. A close friend of the family, Kornpat Ae Sukhom, posted images of the special event, explaining that Sam did not want his children to feel left out.

During one part of the ceremony, the children were expected to sit at their mother’s feet to honor them. Both Insome and Ozone happily completed this ritual with their loving father, as he sat there wearing a pink dress.
There is even a video of the ceremony, as the boys get forehead kisses from their father for the honor they bestowed upon him through the ritual. The video went viral with millions of views and people appreciating Sam’s parenting from all over the world.

Being a single parent is a tough job and as a single father Sam surely does go above and beyond to ensure that his children are taken care of and happy.