
Single Lady Prays for Child She Can’t Adopt, Receives a Call from His Social Worker Minutes Later

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Single Lady Prays for Child She Can’t Adopt, Receives a Call from His Social Worker Minutes Later

After losing touch with a young boy she had met at an orphanage for months, a woman prayed for him daily. To her surprise, she received a call from his social worker months later, just moments after she prayed for him at the gym.

Many people put a lot of importance on their faith. Many of their decisions are bound by what they believe God has planned for them, even if it’s not what they had initially intended for themselves

For one woman named Amy Pollard, being a foster parent wasn’t in her plans. She was single, and there was no way she envisioned being a single mom at any point in her life

After seeing the amount of strength and courage needed to be a single mother through people in her life, Amy initially thought she could never do what they did. She felt both incapable and unqualified.

However, she realized that no matter how many times she said “no” to God, he always had a way of showing her what he truly intended for her life. So when she was called to become a foster parent, Amy said yes, despite her trembling voice and fearful heart

Before being a foster parent, Amy had already been visiting orphanages for years. She loved children, and the thought of fostering and adopting a child one day was something she didn’t close her doors to.

However, she had always imagined her foster journey differently. She thought it was something she’d do once she had settled down or even married.

While journeying through life, Amy came to realize that God makes no mistakes. She was called to be a foster parent at the right time because it led her to Jeremy.

Jeremy was an 8-year-old boy who entered the orphanage she frequented. His eyes immediately caught her attention, and upon observing him, she knew he had been hurt deeply.

That day, Amy left the orphanage with a heavy heart. She was drawn towards the boy and prayed she’d see him again.

For the next few months, she made sure to visit the boy at least once a month. The more she visited, the more difficult it became to leave him.

Jeremy would cling to her leg and beg her to take him home. Unfortunately, she was still in the process of qualifying to be a foster parent, and she couldn’t take him home just yet.

Every time Amy left Jeremy, she would go home and cry. She asked God to give him a loving home, not realizing that it was she God had intended to be his family.

After some time, Amy was finally qualified to become a foster parent. She told her resource worker about Jeremy and was excited to finally bring him home.

Unfortunately, when she arrived at the orphanage, Jeremy was no longer there. “I was devastated, confused, and frustrated,” Amy admitted. She just knew God put Jeremy in her life for a reason – why wasn’t he there anymore?

Refusing to give up on Jeremy, Amy tried to look for him. She eventually found out that he had been moved to another orphanage three hours away from where she lived.

For months, Amy called, e-mailed, and even visited several offices to take Jeremy home. However, nothing worked— the agency kept refusing.

Eventually, Amy stopped reaching out, thinking it wasn’t God’s will, but she kept praying for Jeremy.

Meanwhile, she received several calls offering her to take in other children. She refused them all, knowing it would leave Jeremy with no room in her home in case they finally called her to take him.

It was a grueling process for Amy, who cried every single time she rejected a child who needed a home. However, she was drawn to Jeremy and wanted to be open to him for as long as she could.

Every day looked the same for Amy. She’d work and then go to the gym during her lunch break. One day, she did her usual routine: used the treadmill, turned on her music, and prayed. She always prayed for Jeremy.

After praying, her phone rang. Proving that miracles do happen, the person on the other line turned out to be Jeremy’s social worker. She said, “Someone mentioned to me today that you might be interested in taking him in. Is this true?”

Amy could not believe what she was hearing until the social worker started to explain Jeremy’s case. “Are you willing to adopt if needed?” she asked.

Adopting Jeremy was never in Amy’s plans. All she wanted was to keep him in a loving home until someone decided to adopt him. However, at that moment, she said yes.

Amy, along with her best friend and her son, made the three-hour drive to pick Jeremy up. Within a week, Jeremy was on his way to his forever home with Amy.

At home, Amy started to discover Jeremy’s traumas. He had been mistreated as a child, and that made it difficult for him to open up to Amy. However, she assured him that she was there to listen to him, hold him, and be his mom.

It didn’t take long for Amy to discover there was more to Jeremy’s story. He had two siblings whom they regularly visited at a park.

During one visit, Amy’s life would change forever. Jeremy’s brother, Kendrick, tugged on her shirt and asked, “Will you be my mom too?”

Amy cried. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take him in because they had a younger brother. She was certain she wouldn’t be able to take both of them in..

However, as usual, God had other plans. She took both kids in that week, and she officially became a single mom to three boys.

Many times, people doubted her decision – some even called her crazy! But Amy was certain she wouldn’t trade all that craziness for the world.

Amy’s two younger kids, Kendrick and Jayonne, were just as traumatized as Jeremy. They built their walls up after years of mistreatment, and it took a while for them to accept Amy as their mother.

They took it one day at a time until, finally, they started to open up. One Mother’s Day, Jeremy wrote her a sweet card that read:

“From sick and poor to nobody care [sic], you chose me out of all.”

Best believe Amy cried for days. Then one day, she realized her youngest had also warmed up to her when he asked her to make food for his hungry friends at the playground.

While trying to pull herself together, Amy happily cooked up food for ten hungry children. It was a moment she would never forget.

Her middle child Kendrick also began to open up to her. “Momma, can you please call the judge?” he asked her. “He’s just moving too slow. Does he know I need you to be my momma?”

They waited for three years until their adoption day finally came. Finally, they were home. No more fears, no more trauma. They had a loving mother who would do anything to keep them safe and to show them they are loved.

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